from The happy place

I’m learning stuff from the TV right now. Apparently Crime and Punishment is a most profound book. Thought provoking is not enough to describe, it’s life altering.

That’s pretty significant.

Might even read it myself, although honestly I’ve had a hard time enjoying the Dostojevskij books I’ve tried so far. Frankly speaking the people in those books have seemed irratic and have acted strange: overreacted to things and so forth.

And I’ve had a hard time keeping track of who is who and it could be a cold fact that I do not possess a formidable enough brain to appreciate such treasures, but I’ll give it a shot one fine day. (I enjoyed the Gambler a lot but it was a short and straight forward novel, but the others are dense and thick or so it seems to me.)

Maybe one fine day when I have a lot of time and am not re reading the First Law triology. Then I might give it a shot. By then my brain might’ve ripened with age and experience.

The fact is that I’m equipped with this somewhat (some might say) unsophisticated brain I have got and for that I am very thankful.


I couldn’t picture a life without my brain.

However: I wrote this post not to flaunt my ignorance, but because of that which I saw on the TV just now: that certain books can have such a massive impact for some people. That is something I myself can testify to be true from my own experience.

But it was a movie in my case, six days seven nights. I’ve written about this one before because as I’ve written before I’m much like an album (or even a single song) on repeat. That film made me stop and think what I wanted from life, what type of career would make me happy (not climbing no corporate ladder, that’s for sure)

Same is true for songs like I’ve written before: keep em on the toes.

Somewhere inside there is a small voice which is your own: listen to that one and pay no heed to what plans others might have for you.

That’s my sage advice.

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from The New Oil

Like it or not, email is a critical part of our digital lives. It’s how we sign up for accounts, get notifications, and communicate with a wide range of entities online. Critics of email rightfully point out that email suffers from a significant number of flaws that make it less than ideal, but that doesn’t change the current reality. In light of that reality, I believe that an encrypted email provider is a must-have for everyone in today’s age of rampant data breaches, insider threats, warrantless police access, and targeted advertising. If I can get access to your emails, I can get a range of sensitive information including where you bank (to craft more convincing phishing attacks), information about pets (I get notifications each year from the vet for my cats’ annual checkups), calendar reminders, news announcements from family, support tickets from services you use, and more. In a worse case scenario, if I get access to the account itself, it’s trivial to simply issue password reset requests for nearly any of those accounts, have it to sent to said compromised email account, and gain access to a wide number of other accounts you use – from banking to shopping and more – for any number of reasons. So this week, let’s look into the top encrypted email providers The New Oil recommends and their features to help decide which one is right for you.

Before I offer my suggestions, I should take a moment to explain how I define “secure” email since marketing can mean basically anything. “Secure email,” to me, means an email provider who enforces zero-knowledge encryption; that is to say a provider who cannot access your emails as they're sitting in your inbox. It’s not enough to simply pinky promise to respect your privacy. If they can access your data, so can an attacker who gains access whether a cybercriminal, a crooked employee, or a government with a court order. Likewise, services should apply that encryption automatically wherever possible. The onus should not be upon the users for you to go generate your own PGP keys (or whatever security protocol the provider is built upon) and apply it yourself. I also expect the clients (aka apps) of the service to be source available so that qualified, interested parties can verify that everything is implemented correctly and doing what it claims to. Security is important and easy to mess up. Readers can see my full list of criteria here.

Notes: This list is in alphabetical order. It also contains affiliate links that will help support us if you choose to use one of these services, however standard links are also provided for those who are uncomfortable with affiliate links.


Non-Affiliate Link

ProtonMail & Calendar screenshot Image courtesy of Proton

Proton is by far the biggest name in the privacy space, particularly when it comes to email and VPN, though in recent years they’ve begun to roll out a full suite of products like cloud storage, a calendar, and a password manager. Proton is aiming to become a user-friendly all-in-one suite, a great replacement for Google or Apple geared toward mainstream users. Of course, there is something to be said for not putting all your eggs in one basket, but for those who prefer the ecosystem approach to their services, Proton is a powerful service. In addition, Proton is compatible with PGP, meaning that other PGP users can initiate a secure conversation with you even if they’re not Proton users (though you will have to dig through the settings to find your public key first). Proton offers a free tier you can use to test it out if you so choose.

The main drawback of Proton – in my opinion – is feature parity. Proton operates under the philosophy of “if something is usable, why wait to publish it?” As such, they are notorious for publishing apps that – while functional – are still missing a number of features and need fine-tuning. On the plus side, this allows them to prioritize much-wanted features thanks to the immediate feedback from the community. On the other hand, this often results in situations where a feature in the iPhone app is missing from the Android app (or vice versa) or a Windows app is available while Mac and Linux are still in beta (if available at all).


Tuta Mail screenshot Image courtesy of Tuta

Tuta – formerly Tutanota – is Proton’s main competitor, and unlike many competitors in the tech space they do actually set themselves apart quite considerably. Tuta is based out of Germany and currently offers a calendar in addition to their email. On the user-facing end, Tuta users will notice a much more consistent user experience across the board compared to Proton: all the apps should more or less have the same features regardless of your operating system. Behind the scenes, Tuta has modified PGP to be more private and secure. Traditional PGP – including the kind Proton uses – does not encrypt metadata such as the email subject line. Tuta’s implementation does. The drawback here, however, means that only other Tuta users can initiate an end-to-end encrypted conversation with you.

Honorable Mention: StartMail

StartMail Video Image courtesy of StartMail

Proton and Tuta are the two most popular encrypted email providers, and with good cause. They check all the boxes and users really can’t go wrong with either. That said, privacy and security aren’t always black and white, I hate giving users only two choices of provider. Originally I was hoping to list three or four more options, but out of all the other popular choices in the privacy community, I could find only one that still made encryption a default (and has open registration). For a project trying to make privacy and security accessible to mainstream users, that’s one criteria I’m not willing to compromise on. This brings us to my final recommendation: StartMail. Hailing from the Netherlands, the only criteria of mine that StartMail doesn’t meet is that their clients are proprietary. However, StartMail has an excellent reputation. StartMail has no free tier, but they do offer a 7-day free trial and plans start at just $5/month at the time of this writing. As the saying goes: “if a product is free, you are the product.” The really defining feature of StartMail is unlimited aliasing: you can create an unlimited number of “alias” or “disposable” email addresses that forward to your inbox, even on the lowest plan. For more information on email aliasing and why I recommend it, see here. StartMail doesn’t include any other offerings such as a calendar but personally I’m a firm believer in the “do one thing well instead of a bunch of things half-well” philosophy, so in that sense it’s good to see StartMail isn't spreading themselves too thin. StartMail is based on PGP, so non-StartMail users can still initiate a secure conversation with you.

A common criticism of encrypted email among hardcore privacy enthusiasts is that very few people use it, and therefore a copy of your correspondence is still accessible with the provider of whoever you’re speaking to. While technically correct, I personally think this is a poor excuse. Having one weak spot in your armor is preferable to having two (or simply not wearing armor altogether). When you ask these same people for a solution, the response is invariably along the lines of “people should be using something like Signal instead.” While that would be nice, my bank isn’t going to Signal me notifications. Or my veterinarian, or a job interview, or a receipt for an online purchase, and so on. At least, not any time soon. I have a longstanding challenge to show me the person who functions in modern western society – has a job, pays bills, has a social life, etc – without email (truly without email, not “my grandpa never uses it, my grandma handles it for him.” That’s like arguing that Joe Biden isn’t on Twitter because he doesn’t personally craft and post tweets.) To date, nobody has produced such a person. Like it or not, email is a critical component of modern digital life. Perhaps that will change someday, and if it does I’ll be quite happy to revise my stance. But for now, it’s a necessary evil and therefore one we should endeavor to protect accordingly. If you’re not using an encrypted email provider, I strongly to encourage you to start immediately. There are plenty of other great providers out there for more advanced users who want different features, but for most mainstream users one of the choices on this list will be a great place to start. Until something better comes along, email is a critical part of your digital identity and should be protected accordingly.

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from ein sof

1X84-2k24 184 km/h 1,4 ‰ 1 g de C A86 Nord ô périph nord Sens inverse Sans espoir CB négatif Par zéro 3x glisse Glissière U-turn 180° En X 30 s Vapes Vapeurs Flammes 980 °C Thermodynamique 2e loi 2e voie 0 bpm 5 minutes 2 ambulances 3 orphelines 1 divorce Consumé 6 mois d'arriéré 12 mois de sursis Purgés 4 planches 1 notaire Dettes 5k 3 bouquets Fanés Concession 30 ans Silence


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from Lord of Thinking


I tend to overthink everything I do, eg. when it comes to approaching strangers. My mind ends up talking me out of it by predicting what might happen, even though those predictions never occur. I've realized over time that I should just go for it and not think too much. It's that easy – just go do it.

I've noticed I even ponder before going outside my building, and often convince myself not to go out. I'll make excuses – there'll be too many people, bad weather, or that it'll be stressful. However, I've never regretted going outside post hoc, and most times I end up enjoying it even vastly more than I thought I would.

Hell, today I intended to go to see a movie but accidentally misremembered the start time and went out too early, so I walked around and ended up visited some shops and parks. It was awesome! I think if I keep going outside, even when I don't feel like it, I'll eventually condition my mind that there's nothing to fear and that I'll enjoy it.

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from The happy place

Feeling really exhausted. It feels like I’ve been painting planks for ten hours straight or something.

When kubernetes was new 2016 it had PetSets but it has been replaced by StatefulSets since then but anyhow I like the pet name better but I would NEVER deploy my dog in kubernetes.

Fact is I’ve had it up to here (really high) with kubernetes and deployments and yaml files nested in yaml files so indented that I need to horizontally scroll even though I’ve got a big screen.

Like a real big curved one.

The manifests are like many of them and it’s enough that one of them has a blank space too much or a template.spec in the wrong place and it won’t compute. Or worse yet: you’ve put the special annotation on the wrong block, or there’s a type-o, so whichever controller won’t pick it up, the magical spell didn’t work and nothing happens, you don’t get your SSL cart or whatever.

Don’t get me started on kustomize.

I feeling the cognitive load too much. So much so that were I a k8s deployment, I would’ve been shot dead long time ago by the OOM killer and then deployed anew. Think that’s my fate if I go to hell when I die.

To exit 137.

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from Telmina's notes





  • 五月人形がなければAIで作ればいいじゃない。へらへら~。


best quality,8k, realistic, masterpiece, RAW photo, a tall Japanese voluptuous short-haired intelligent beautiful girl standing erect, wearing a samurai's helmet, white tight silky hotpants, gold tanktops, white long boots

This image is created by NMKD Stable Diffusion GUI.







 はたまた、長年ずっと行こう行こうと思っていながら行けなかったテーマパーク的なところに行くとか? そうかその手があったか! 何故つい先ほどまでそこに思い至らなかったのだろう?



#2024年 #2024年5月 #2024年5月5日 #ひとりごと #雑談 #こどもの日 #横浜 #AI #StableDiffusion #StableDiffusionGUI


from chaosorc

She lay in bed crying and trying to fall asleep. Faded beach tan, her honey blond hair spread out on the pillows.

A song bopped along with a man singing as a snare drum and bass popped in a conversation, a tale of a man in a five yearlong marriage, the weight of the ring and the sunk cost, and how she should never be sad about it because it will keep him around.

She sobbed and writhed, uncomfortable and unable to explain it.

She gripped her phone, the last message she sent, desolate.

In the morning she stood in the kitchen and waited for the toast to pop up. She sipped her tea and looked at her book bag wondering what she forgot. She realized it was the pen, fetched it from her room and on the way back the toast popped up.

She looked at her phone, no notifications.

She unlocked it and opened the photo social media app, a new photo appeared in the timeline. She turned her head and picked up the butter knife, held it in a tight grip and stabbed at the butter.

Maeghan and David at the beach, arm in arm with a towel shared between them, pushed out and flapping in the wind.

She sat on the couch eating the buttered toast, drinking her tea in silence. Just the crunch of the food. Then, picked up her bag and left.

A weather warning appeared on her phone as she was walking home from class. The sky was going dark and the wind picking up. It had come out of nowhere, people in school talking about it.

She reached the end of the street and it was thick with water, she would have to go around it. She followed the fence next to the cemetery and part of the fence had fallen away.

She stared into the opening where two trees came together over a dark stretch, low tombstones lined up and angling away into the depths. She turned around and a gust of wind hit her, knocking her off balance, she fell backwards over the stonework wall and into the grass. When she sat up her honey blond hair was drenched, earthworms and grass roots clinging. Dark clouds swirled and she could barely see the street, she rolled over and pushed herself to her feet, mud and sod clinging to her knees and palms, running down to her elbows.

Sheets of rain hit her back and she could see cobwebs stretched in the dark opening, beads of liquid clinging. She turned around and a man stood there in a plain black suit, black tie, his hair disheveled and wet, dripping. His skin was white and his hands gripped her arms, he stared into her eyes.

Touch me, she whispered.

He lifted her in his arms, feet kicking droplets off the nearby tree as he carried her into the darkness.

They went past wide plots separated by concrete risers with tall columns, some with angels cast in light color stone. Others as dark obelisks, some crumbling and some new and reflecting the fading light.

They reached a single crypt mausoleum with black bars at the entrance. The roof of the mausoleum shrouded in yellow flame, crackling, with dark rainwater pouring from its stooped eaves, smoke flowing up from the building.

Inside thunder clapped and lightning flashed, lighting up the halls of the mausoleum. He carried her through the green and purple lit stone corridors and stopped in the central crypt. Above it, the word “Nomed” was spelled out on an iron arch set between the two purple windows that framed the raised stone coffin in the center of the room.

Inside the coffin the shadow made a slow salute to Chelsea and she smiled, her eyes glowing yellow. She approached the crypt hand in hand with the man in the suit. Seven rats appeared to witness the spectacle. He traced the stonework with his hand, cutting his finger. She looked at the drop of blood on his finger tip. The crypt slid open and green smoke billowed out, a clawed hand poked out to greet her.

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from ldstephens

We're about to get faster, slimmer, better-looking iPads next week. What the iPad needs is the software this device deserves.

David Pierce: “Before they even launch, I feel confident telling you these are the best iPads ever. But after all these years, I still don’t know how to tell you whether you should want an iPad. Or what you’d want to do with it. This has been true forever, of course. The iPad is the jack-of-all-trades in Apple’s lineup, a terrific device in many ways that still feels increasingly redundant now that so many people have big phones and long-lasting laptops.”


from mimo

Le logement n'est pas une marchandise mais un droit, n'en déplaise au gouvernement actuel du Québec. Plutôt que de se défiler sous de faux prétextes, le gouvernement devrait respecter, protéger et même promouvoir ce droit fondamental. Encore faudrait-il que nos tribunaux l'amènent à agir en ce sens.

#Droits #DroitsHumains #Justice #Logement #Politique #Tribunaux

Mettre sur le dos des personnes immigrantes le fait que le Québec n'arrive pas à combler le manque de logements, comme l'a fait le Premier ministre québécois, est non seulement inexact, mais en plus c'est refuser de voir à l'application d'un droit fondamental, en ciblant un groupe particulier de la population pour se justifier.

Comme je le rappelais dans mon billet du 22 février dernier, le Canada a ratifié en 1976, le Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels qui comprend le droit au logement. Ottawa s’est même engagé à mettre en œuvre progressivement ce droit.

J'avoue qu'une partie de la réponse du Premier ministre au chef parlementaire de Québec Solidaire, dans le dernier échange qu'ils ont eu sur le droit au logement, m'a surprise.

« On ne commencera pas à faire une compétition entre le chef de Québec solidaire et moi pour savoir qui a les plus belles valeurs », a dit le chef du gouvernement. Pas de droit fondamental au logement, dit Legault

Il est vrai que les droits sont le reflet de valeurs mais tout de même, un droit est un droit. En plus, comme l'écrit Vincent Brousseau-Pouliot dans La Presse, à propos de la clause dérogatoire, déroger aux droits fondamentaux n’est pas une valeur québécoise.

M. Legault aurait intérêt à consulter la Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse du Québec.

La Commission souhaite rappeler à l’ensemble des acteurs concernés que le droit au logement est protégé par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne. En effet, ce droit fait implicitement partie du droit à des mesures d’assistance financière et à des mesures sociales susceptibles d’assurer un niveau de vie décent, énoncé à l’article 45 de la Charte québécoise. Plusieurs textes internationaux en vertu desquels le Québec s’est déclaré lié le prévoient également. Le droit au logement est protégé par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne

Non seulement le Canada, mais le Québec lui-même a ratifié et même adhéré au Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels en 1976, même si ses dispositions s’appliquaient de toute façon sans limitation ni exception aucune, à toutes les unités constitutives des États fédératifs.

La vraie question n'est donc pas de savoir si le droit au logement existe ou non, mais plutôt si ce droit est défendable devant les tribunaux québécois et canadiens.

C'est probablement là où le bat blesse.

Comme l'écrivait le juge à la retraite Louis LeBel en août 2021, les tribunaux font preuve de réticence à l’égard de la mise en oeuvre des droits socioéconomiques. Cette réticence s'expliquerait par la culture juridique propre au Québec et au Canada qui «est favorable à la protection de droits négatifs ou de droits-libertés mais (...) hésiterait à constitutionnaliser des droits positifs susceptibles d’établir des créances du citoyen contre l’État.»

Les tribunaux supérieurs ont tendance à refuser de reconnaître les droits économiques et sociaux comme des droits justiciables, sous prétexte qu'ils relèveraient du pouvoir législatif et qu'ils seraient donc au-delà de leur compétence.

Traditional civil and political rights, conceived as negative rights, were ascribed to the courts while social rights, conceived as positive rights, were deemed to fall within the exclusive purview of legislatures, engaging matters beyond the institutional legitimacy and competence of the courts. (...) the result, intentional or not, has too often been to banish those living in poverty and homelessness from access to justice and the equal protection and benefit of the Charter. Bruce Porter et Martha Jackman. Advancing Social Rights in Canada, 2014. Pages 13 et suivantes.

Christine Vézina, professeure de droit à l’Université Laval , ainsi qu'une dizaine de membres de la Communauté de recherche-action sur les droits économiques et sociaux (COMRADES) et la Ligue des droits et libertés, signait une lettre d'opinion en octobre 2022 qui débutait par un constat d'échec du politique.

En ces premiers jours post-élection, nous souhaitons dire à quel point il nous est apparu absurde de voir que des enjeux aussi essentiels que d’avoir un toit ou de pouvoir se faire soigner dans notre Québec contemporain être traités comme des promesses électorales. Les droits économiques et sociaux doivent être abordés de façon transpartisane

Or, la grande difficulté de plaider devant les tribunaux fait en sorte, par exemple, qu'un élu peut dire sans sourciller que le l'accès au logement est une question de valeurs.

À quoi sert d'avoir signé des textes internationaux qui devraient garantir le droit au logement et que ce droit soit protégé par la Charte québécoise des droits et libertés de la personne, si les tribunaux n'obligent pas le législatif à faire en sorte qu'il soit pleinement respecté lorsqu'un défaut évident de le faire est porté à leur attention?

Sans compter que de devoir passer par les tribunaux est long et coûteux. Or, les personnes victimes du non-respect de leur droit au logement (ou de tout autre droit économique et social) ont ni les moyens, ni envie d'emprunter la voie tortueuse de la justice.

Je ne voudrais cependant pas être seulement négative envers le pouvoir judiciaire. Il se fait présentement des travaux par la Communauté de recherche-action sur les droits économiques et sociaux (COMRADES) sur les aspects juridiques des droits économiques et sociaux qui pourraient déboucher sur des jugements amenant un changement dans la jurisprudence concernant les droits économiques et sociaux. Notamment via les recours collectifs.

L'idée n'est pas que les juges légifèrent à la place des élue·e·s, mais de s'assurer que nos élue·e·s remplissent leurs obligations de voir au respect des droits économiques et sociaux dont fait partie le droit au logement.

Parce que soumettre le droit au logement aux seuls aléas de la politique, c'est aussi absurde que d'attendre Godot.

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from Kroeber

#001671 – 02 de Abril de 2024

Há várias coisas que não gosto nos desportos de equipa, todas elas acontecem do lado dos adeptos. Uma das que mais me desagrada é o facto de uma derrota ser vista, mais do que como um facto desportivo, como uma falha moral: falta de amor à camisola, de honra, de brio.

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from Darnell (Hard News)

Child predators are uniquely evil people who sadly exist throughout the world. Their twisted goal is to hunt & hurt the most precious & vulnerable of society. Child predators often exist in the shadows & out of view, but fortunately, local authorities are willing to remove these wicked individuals from our communities.

Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper, joined by several other partnering law enforcement agencies, announced the results of a large-scale Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) operation throughout the Sacramento Region, which resulted in over 20 arrests. (Description from Sacramento Sheriff)

Most of the time, these suspects are taken alive as they cower in shame when confronted by cops. These child predators often appear as average people, & usually do not stand out in the public eye.

However, that is not always the case, as demonstrated in this video by Washington State police.

Bruce Coval Meneley was a teenaged seaman in Reno the year after Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese. He rose to ensign, graduated medical school, served in Operation Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan and commanded a Navy hospital at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. By the time he retired in 2016 as a Navy captain, he had earned dozens of awards and commendations, including a Bronze Star and two Legions of Merit.

His life ended on the afternoon of April 17, when he was shot multiple times by police at a DoubleTree hotel near Seattle in a child sex sting operation. Police video shows a man authorities later identified as Meneley pulling a gun on officers trying to arrest him after he showed up at a room where he planned to meet two underage girls. Police said Meneley had come to the attention of authorities in previous sex crime investigations. (Stars And Stripes)

It is unclear why Meneley pulled the gun (suicide by cops perhaps‽), but it is a relief that he will no longer be able to use that weapon to coerce children as young as seven years old.

Ultimately, it is up to community members to actively patrol their realms & hunt child predators themselves. In one example, a local citizen has taken the initiative to entrap child predators before they have the opportunity to hurt another child.

Known by the nickname “Black Biden,” the good Samaritan said his mission in life is to protect children and minors because he feels the criminal justice system is not doing enough.

He spends his time setting up potential suspects through online messaging where he poses as an underage boy or girl. When a suspect agrees to meet with him, he will contact authorities and record the moment officers arrive to confront and arrest the suspect. (KTLA)

Fortunately, there are numerous organizations dedicated to removing child predators off the streets, as well as local volunteers in many cities. Hopefully, more people (especially parents) are aware of the dangers posed by child predators, & are active in their child's lives (online & off).

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from Roscoe's Quick Notes

Haybarn 2024

The 2024 Haybarn Reunion! This will dominate my day.

The wife is a regular bingo player and this is her / our favorite bingo hall. She plays regularly, but I usually go only once per year: to this Annual Haybarn Reunion.

We'll want to be there by 3:30 PM to get in when the doors open, and we'll probably stay until nearly midnight. Any personal chores, chess work, or correspondence will need to be taken care of this morning.

Wish us luck!

posted Saturday 04/May/2024 ~06:45 #QNMAY2024


from Αθέατη Λέρος

Συλλογή φωτογραφιών με θέμα "Το δρακοντόσπιτο ή δρακοντόπηλο της Νήσου Λέρου"

Αγαπητέ διαβάτη,

Εάν ο δρόμος σου έχει για σταθμό την Λέρο, αξίζει τον κόπο να επισκεφτείς το Δρακοντόσπηλο! Με αυτήν την ονομασία θα βρεις το μεγαλύτερο φυσικό σπήλαιο της Λέρου, στην περιοχή Σκοινόντων, ανηφορίζοντας σε μια απόσταση διακοσίων μέτρων από την εκκλησία του Αγ. Σπυρίδωνα. Την ονομασία του προφανώς την οφείλει σε ένα τεράστιο φίδι που φώλιαζε πολύ παλαιοτέρα μέσα σε αυτό. Αυτό και άλλα πολλά καταγράφει ο Δ. Οικονομόπουλος το 1888 όταν είχε επισκεφτεί για πρώτη φορά το νησί μας. Λέγεται βέβαια από πολύ παλαιότερους, ότι εδώ πρέπει να ζούσε το μεγάλο φίδι Δράκος! Ήταν όπως λένε, γιος της Γαίας. Το ερπετό αυτό ζευγάρωσε με μια κοπέλα η οποία επισκεπτόταν συχνά το ιερό δάσος της Θέας Αρτέμιδος. Η εξερεύνηση αυτού του σπηλαίου, θα είναι για όλους εσάς μια μοναδική εμπειρία και περιπέτεια.

Ο Φράνκος μαζί με άλλους δύο επισκέπτες μέσα στο δρακοντόσπηλο

Οι πρώτες αναφορές για το σπήλαιο έρχονται από προηγούμενους αιώνες, τότε που οι μαύροι πειρατές ήταν ο φόβος και ο τρόμος των νησιών μας. Πολύ αργότερα, ο συγγραφέας, υποναύαρχος ALDO LEVI, αναφέρει στο βιβλίο «Γεγονότα στο Αιγαίο», ότι κατά τους βομβαρδισμούς του 1943 οι Ιταλοί αφού πρώτα έκτισαν έναν πετρόκτιστο ντουβάρι στην είσοδο, μετέφεραν τα πυρομαχικά τους σε αυτό το φυσικό σπήλαιο, μιας και από αέρος ήταν αδύνατη η ανίχνευση του, λόγω του ότι δεκάδες τεράστια βράχια είναι μπροστά από την σπήλια.

Η είσοδος στο δρακοντόσπηλο

Ένα δημιούργημα της φύσης για το οποίο ίσως κάποτε ενδιαφερθεί η αρχαιολογική σκαπάνη, έτσι που από τα τυχαία ευρήματα θα ανασύρουν στην επιφάνεια το καλά κρυμμένο μυστικό αυτού του ιδιαίτερου σπηλαίου! Μια από τις προηγούμενες ηλιόλουστες ημέρες λοιπόν, μου ζήτησαν κάποιοι φίλοι, άνθρωποι που μεταφέρουν την ιστορία στους νέους, να τους πάω να δουν το Δρακοντόσπηλο από κοντά. Εγώ βέβαια, δεν άνοιξα ποτέ καμιά συζήτηση για το τεράστιο φίδι Δράκο, που ακόμα και σήμερα φημολογείται ότι πρέπει να είναι εκεί γύρω. Λένε ότι έχει συνηθίσει τους ανθρώπους και μάλλον τους αποφεύγει…! Και κάπως έτσι κτίζεται η ιστορία αυτού του πανέμορφου κατά τα αλλά σπηλαίου.

Συλλογή φωτογραφιών ΕΔΩ

#AtheatiLeros #ΑθέατηΛέρος #Λέρος #Λερος #Greece #Leros #LerosHistory #Hellas #Ελλάς #Ελλάδα #ΜυθικάΌντα #Μύθοι

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from An Open Letter

My god. 3 Kendrick tracks within 3 days. This is a genuine heaven for me. Dear lord, I’m glad Kdot came out swinging for 0 reason on “like that”. But also thank GOD because I’ve BEEN a Drake slanderer, his team makes good music, but he has no credibility as an artist and it’s insane for him to be saying he’s even in the contention for greatest rapper.

R – 3 breaths

E – I felt very weak today, and I overall just felt shitty at the gym and unhappy with myself.

S – Recognize the limitations of my body and the variability of things, and forgive myself a bit more.

T – Accept that I’m not like freakishly weaker, I just slept barely anything last night, just am coming out of a cut, and also have had a very randomly sporadic workout schedule.


from G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y

It may have been a mistake to work for 10 hours straight today, spine not quite working.

But at least I got 14 pages of PROJECT OLDBOOK done. Will be satisfied if I can push it to 20/day. Not today or this weekend though, I'm on daddy duty.


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from Librarian in the Wild

Any other bloggers out there ever wake up on the day you normally post new content and realize “Damn, I haven't written a single word all week.” Yeah? Me too.

When I first started this endeavor, I had a small stack of posts pre-written and a list of ideas. I did this because I wanted to ensure that I never felt rushed to publish new content.

I've long since ran through that stack of pre-written posts, but I do write every week. I do still have quite a lengthy list of topics I want to write about. Many will require a bit of research on my part and probably be lengthier than what I can smash out in a week, especially if I want the writing to be anywhere near coherent.

I do try to spend a little time each morning writing, but some days I wake up a bit late, or the coffee doesn't kick in soon enough before I'm wrestling kids out of bed to shuttle them off to school.

When I miss my chance to write in the morning life usually gets in the way of me writing in the evening. Being tired from work. Cooking dinner. Wrestling the kids back into bed. Showering. Sleeping.

As such, there are times, like today, when I have to try and get something written down. Put my thoughts out into the world, even if I haven't been preparing all week.

I've set a weekly post schedule for myself, and I want to stick with it. So this, my adoring reader, is what you get.

A stream of consciousness posting about my poor writing habits.

Until next week.



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