from G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y

It may have been a mistake to work for 10 hours straight today, spine not quite working.

But at least I got 14 pages of PROJECT OLDBOOK done. Will be satisfied if I can push it to 20/day. Not today or this weekend though, I'm on daddy duty.


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from G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y

As if Israel/Palestine stuff wasn't enough, today's headlines:

On a somewhat lighter note: Entertainment made by North Korea | Five-hour (!) Youtube video that is incredibly informative and at times hilarious even.

#journal #news #research

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from G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y

7:40 am, another dark stormy morning. Jumping right back into PROJECT OLDBOOK first thing. About 90 pages to go, need to work round the clock if I want to be done with it in the next few days.

Won't be able to slide back into TSG until this is out of the way.


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from Flat Mountain Dispatches

First really warm days. Sitting on the shady front step, on the big cool stone blocks. Holding one hand to the sun to see through skin. To brittle bones, nervous tendons. Buzzards circling the clear blue. Flitting between zoetrope fingers. Keening keeee-yahhh.

▽ | #journal


from G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y

Dark morning, hard rain. Occasional flash of lightning followed by a loud roar from atmospheric belly. Doesn't look like this storm will let up for the next four days, at least not much.

A wrench in my rhythm when I can hardly tell night from day.


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from G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y

Sounds like Netanyahu is genuinely worried about the prospect of an ICC arrest warrant issued against him. The problem with such a prospect however is that it would make the US complicit given America's unwavering support and backing of Israel. And the problem with that is the American Service-Members' Protection Act passed in 2002 which defends US officials and military personnel from possible detention or prosecution by the ICC. Informally known as “the Hague Invasion Act”, the law also authorizes the president to use “all means necessary”, including an invasion of The Netherlands where the ICC is located, according to Democracy Now.

#journal #politics

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