The following 322 writers contribute to Read
Holding the KSA accountable through transparency and student-driven oversight.
At 19, I never expected to be homeless, but life doesn’t always go as planned. Despite trying multiple ways to make money online—writing, freelancing,
En reseblogg om Europa som fokuserar på att utforska och dela upplevelser från olika destinationer över kontinenten.
One man's journey to become a better person as 40 winters are besieging his brow
Daily posts - either fact or fiction - about what goes on in my life (includes thoughts too now)
Hi I’m Jon B. Carroll “I spent a little time on the mountain” Now I take photographs
Dan Kaufman Real Estate. We specialize in developing the highest quality commercial, residential and mixed-use space.
"personal" writing ; auto fiction ; poetry ; && other thoughts
The best spot for an intriguing adventure to everything crypto: news, in-depth reviews of crypto projects, coins, and beginners guides!
Never trust a liar. Even though they will always trust themselves.
Her deler jeg hyppige refleksjoner. Oppretta for å slippe å bare ha ting lagra på Facebook og andre sosiale medier.
Join me on a gardening adventure, from planting seeds to harvesting. I'll share tips, triumphs, and lessons learned in nurturing a fruitful garden and orchard.
Sepaníos | Solitary Gaulish Polytheist | Post-Modern Neo-Paganism | He/him
Struggling to stay Catholic? You're not alone. Faith seeks wonder to flourish. I'll share it when it shows up.
This here is the space into which I put some of the thoughts which have been gathering inside my head. Mostly mundane stuff as I am not that original
Track, share, discover and organize Movies and TV shows on your iPhone, iPad and on your Mac.
Les notes du laptop, par NEKO
Campaign journals, reviews of TTRPG stuff, and musings on D&D.
News and Observations from your Friendly Neighborhood Xennial
A MAG is a Modern African Girl, so no subject is taboo. My purpose is to share things which may interest a MAG.
Exploring experience, perception, and meaning with a fresh, philosophical perspective. Join me as we question norms and embrace new ways of thinking.
Tech projects, hobby programming, and geeky thoughts of Paolo Amoroso
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
Thoughts on tech, software, gaming, sci-fi, and anything in-between.
Sur la route à moto avec un café, un livre, Spotify et un appareil photo. Bienvenue au bar où je prends des notes.
This blog contains selected entries from Matthew's grimoire at
This is a personal blog that will talk about libraries, archives, and the things inbetween
hi my name is Stephanie Spivak and I like philosophy, prose, and poetry
An Episcopal priest offering takes on doctrine, theology, spirituality, and the odd bit of pop-culture
writing on video games, by chuck sebian-lander
Creator of #AudioMo and user of #Linux Have become slightly obsessed with #Bigfoot and #cryptid folklore
Chroniques d'un terrien en détresse - Le blog personnel de Zéro Janvier
Un blog sobre crear narrativas de ciencia ficción y solarpunk
Oh, no. Not me. We never lost control. You're face to face with the man who sold the world.David Bowie – 1970
poésies, écrits, pensées, exercice libératoire, partage universel
Software Engineer and Agile Enthusiast. Passionate about Product Discovery, Delivery & Operations. Lifelong Lerner.
Father, husband, OCD sufferer, tech geek, and mental health advocate.
With so much news out there, how can anyone make sense of it all? This blog is a Boomer’s conversation with AI, exploring today’s biggest topics
My dad's back yard has become a deer camp. Now we are making it cool.
Wenn deine Mutter lebt, aber eure Beziehung tot ist. Mutterseelenallein.
Thoughts on life, work and the universe. Sometimes writing in English og noen ganger på norsk.
A peek into the mind of a sleep deprived software developer, husband, dad and gamer.
every minute of every hour...
Независим колектив за изкуство, опериращ в България и Чехия. [English]
News and discussions around the Writing Exchange community.
examining how and why language, education, and adjacent topics matter
Reflections on life, truth, faith, love, introspection, and transformation.
This is my re-write of Edgar Rice Burruough's A Princess of Mars.
Welcome to my little corner of the world, where thoughts flow like morning coffee. Here, you’ll find fragments of my heart—
A personal blog about Jiu Jitsu, anime, and whatever else comes out of my brain
#AudioMo is a month long audio challenge that takes part in June. Just record some audio each day. Post the link to that audio along with the #AudioMo hashtag.
The Rambles of a Canadian Dork that won't shut up! A Nemes Content Blog.
Stories based on D&D games in my homebrew setting of Adreas.
Welcome to my upcoming book on teaching strategies and advice! This blog will contain helpful articles on teaching in a middle or high school classroom!
Curated articles on hunting, fishing, herbology, survivalism, and more.
Frequent flyer, programmer, adrenaline junkie, libertarian, transsexual
Oh my head, my head is a prison. No one ever visits. It's just you and me.
The official newsletter for special deals and sales on the platform.
leo, escribo, extraigo ideas, pienso (no siempre bien) y comparto lo aprendido
Website: | Whatsapp: +12348045286 | Text/Call: +1 (917) 933-2941 | Telegram: @blickybull
Life, Spirituality, Wellness, Daily Practice, and Healing- Thoughts from a Franciscan Spiritual Director
An independent art collective operating in Bulgaria and Czechia. [Български]Log0
This is a centralized resource for USAID and Foreign Service professionals committed to informed, principled advocacy within government.
Latin American Institute of Terraforming
"Short version of recooperating, usually used in reference to the morning after a long night of drinking/partying." (Urban Dictionary)
The value in communication seems to shift with time, and perhaps there’s more to hear in whats not there when the echoes start to blur.
Articles and essays on design, technology, and my POV of the world. For shorter bursts find me on Mastodon.
This is ner3y blogging about Life & Wisdom, Tech, Movies, Games, Music and way more Buzzwords
Arjen koukeroista kiinnostunut sosiaalitieteiden opiskelija. Vasemmalle kallellaan. Ajatuksia elämästä ja maailmasta.
Parfois, je lance quelques-unes de mes créations en orbite, pour qu'elles gravitent autour du web comme les débris de satellites autour de la planète Terre.
Notes on things past, present, and future from somewhere in Japan (and perhaps elsewhere)
«Per a fer una poma des de zero, primer has d'inventar l'univers». Carl Sagan
If I had a thought that no one else knew about, can I even say it was real?
"Reader, I myself am the subject [here] is not reasonable that you employ your leisure on a topic so frivolous and vain. Therefore, Farewell" - Montaigne
On a journey to make PARROT9 the world's greatest software design team.
Beelzebub Paragraph By Paragraph is a thoughtfully created blog that seeks to explore the deep teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff’s masterpiece, Beelzebub's Tales
تدوينات ومقالات بريدية اتحدث بها عن المشاريع التقنية القليل عني
A place for all of my spicy stories to reside. Very clearly NSFW. Find my regular account at
welcome to malena's home on the world wide web! you can also follow me on the fediverse
Hotelera, Turista y Viajera. Servir a otros, virtud que pocos suelen tener.
Bullshit, mostly. Not a bummer, though. I don't posses any radical positions but I reckon I got a few problems I could write on bullets.
Here lies everything and anything I’m too ashamed or too stuck-up to tell another soul.
This is a personal collection of things I find around the internet.
Posting only the content generated by Natural Stupidity, based on my experience as a tutor.
The Methuselah papers - Elder regions & deep time, living economy & tools for conviviality
Holding myself to account in the world of chess improvement. Sharing the joy and pain this brings me...