from Enjoy the detours!

Sadly, one week without progress on #TheMonthProject. The weather was dry and cold, so I spent a lot of time with my oldest in the woods. Goofing around, throwing stones into the frozen pond, collecting sticks for a bonfire we plan to do, or just talking and playing with our invented superpowers. I needed this time. And today it also snowed. So I fetched both kids earlier from the Kindergarten so that we can sled from our small hill in the woods and build a snowman afterward.

Besides spending some quality time, I've had a lot to do in one of my projects. Where most of the work is now done for the big release. Now I can slow down a bit here and can concentrate on other things. Funny coincidence, I've got a call from one of my old projects, that they require help. Because I have so much time to spare, I said yes. (This was a joke, I never have time to spare.) 😎 There is always something to do, but I like to help and to build a better reputation.

After this call, we've decided that I need to outsource some work in our garden. Mostly removing old plants and roots, dinging a pit for our pool in summer and some other small stuff, which takes a lot of time. I like this work because you don't have to think a lot here. Just do the work. Some kind of meditation. But I know that I don't have this time until the springs comes. So I have to admit that we need help here. Besides my projects, we also have the basement, which needs to get done. My wife decided that it should be done until her birthday in April. The help with the garden is now a good compromise. And I'm happy with this solution. 😀

That's it for today. Just some random things that came to my mind about what's going on in my life right now.

06 of #100DaysToOffload

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from Lastige Gevallen in de Rede

i & I aan het dagjes trippen.


ess e e e n ~~~~ ~~~~

Oh kijk I! Indrukwekkend het monster / van Blog Ness!! – i I


^ ^ ^

Dis Lucht Disnie Land | Disnie Zee \ | / i I


. . → Ik had meer Het is bijna van de Mona sluitingstijd. Ze Verwacht. is vast moe. \ / i I

(pisa) | | | | |Toren van Pisa | |volledig vernieuwd. | | Het leuke | is er nu Volkomen onterecht | wel af. recht gezet. | \ / | i I

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from Telmina's notes




 しかし、先週末、PlayStation Networkで障害が発生し、それが第2回オープンベータテスト前半を直撃したため、後半では24時間延長し、18日(火)の11:59まで開催されることとなりました。






 PlayStation 5 モンスターハンターワイルズ同梱版が登場するとのことです。


PlayStation 5 モンスターハンターワイルズ同梱版登場!

 自分は買いません(というか買えません)が、モンスターハンターワイルズに興味はあるけどPS5を持っていなかったという方は、いい機会なので購入を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? お値段も据え置きみたいですし。

#2025年 #2025年2月 #2025年2月14日 #ゲーム #モンスターハンター #モンハン #モンスターハンターワイルズ #モンハンワイルズ #MHWilds #Steam #PC #PS5 #PlayStation #Xbox


from Slouchking

From the record label:

NUG is the musical collaboration of artists Jordan Juras aka PVAS and Florian T M Zeisig. They previously released their debut album Napping Under God on 3XL (2022).

Recorded February 2022 in Hinang, mixed November 2022 in Berlin.

Tags: ambient, electronic, interstitial, berlin


from Lastige Gevallen in de Rede

Belofte maakt Winst. De Belover

Het standaard menu.

Lang en gelukkig leven

19 miljoen per kwartaal

Miserabel en armoedig

256 per maand met plus minus 300 eigen bijdrage per jaar ivm levenskosten.

Altijd leven met Oorlog en vrede

Vast contract, hoog inkomen

Altijd omringd door Klimaatrampen


CL finale

380 miljoen op jaar basis

CL winnen

600 miljoen op jaar basis

Normaal leven

Vast contract, modaal salaris plus bonus

Levenslang slaaf van geboorte tot de dood

Inkomen, werkplicht, leerplicht, entertainment via media en tickets plicht, plicht plicht, recht op plichten et cetera ...

Leven als replica, voorbeeldig gedrag

56000 per maand inleveren bij de koning 56001 krijgen van de koning 1 euro verplicht afstaan aan Anjer fonds

dit is slechts een aanbod van normaal geachte toekomsten voor u, mijn werkgever, en u medewerkers, mijn boodschap ontvangers, mogelijkheden die ik hen kan aanbieden op lange termijn

Het volledige aanbod aan toekomstscenaria kunt u vinden op mijn website In overleg kan ik tegen niet geringe vergoeding een op maat gemaakte toekomst leveren aan u mensen en dieren.

Nu in de aanbieding Toekomsten met Apen en Beren, individueel gerichte schaapherder toekomst inclusief wolf vrees, voor herders die hun vak niet verstaan en kuddes leiden zonder rammen, horen en liever niet werken met natuurinstincten betreffende noden bij kudde gedrag, schuld hulp verlening toekomst voor door rijken uitgedaagde armen, de voorbeeld volgers, dit hele land leeft van krediet, zelfs de banken of vooral de banken, zelden organisaties zo zien opscheppen over poen, niks daarvan is eigen, zelfs hun salaris betaald u, net de staat, maar ik garandeer een toekomst waar we deze leugens kunnen behouden, een zilvervloot scenario, een toekomst vol rotzooi maar dat noemen we dan rijkdom, ook leuk voor thuis op de schoorsteenmantel, excuus voor onder het vloerkleed, ik heb 1001 scenaria voor ieder land, bedrijf, elke zender, voor ad verteren, verkopen, voor overlegstructuur, voor broekriem handelaars, voor praters, zitters, arbeiders, het pro letariaat, pre dikanten, voor beroepspokeraars, beroeps spookeraars, ja ook, voor sneeuwschuivers voor sneeuwsmelters voor zonaanbidders voor maanstellers... echt te veel om op een dag te beloven kies daarom nu voor een langlopend contract met

De Belover Ja zeker, de belover.

Lees verder...

from EnbySpacePerson

Image of a pile of hose on red clay dirt. The hose is ribbed like gutter pipe but the hose is colored a deep, purplish red. Some blades of grass poke up between layers of hose.

Image by Dieter from Pixabay

On Fediverse, we have a few writing prompt tags. I often make long posts on it. However, today's prompt for WritersCoffeeClub is long enough that I'm making a blog post about it here instead.

The prompt for February 13 asks “How do you organize your writing projects?”

If you'd like to skip the details, go to Whoa! at the end.

Planning file

My organization is built around what I call the planning file. The planning file gets:

  • Synopsis — ~3 sentence blurb about the project. This kick starts my brain about what the project is about and the kinds of interest points that I have with it. If I have a story idea I can't work on right now, I often just start a new folder using my “new project kit” and edit the planning file to include this synopsis.
  • Plot — Plot is a numbered list with plot points. Complex plot points may have sub-points. I use this as something to have handy if I can't figure out / remember what's supposed to happen next and it's hampering the draft.
  • Chapter index — Chapter index is just a table linking to each chapter file and providing a brief summary of what's in the file (and, depending on the story, which characters have focus). This makes it easier to find some kinds of references that may not be easy to do a text search for.
  • Character sheets — Character sheets can be as simple as Character Name, Role in the story (e.g. connections to other characters mainly), and a physical description. I often have a model image I'll include here. If the character is alien or non-human, may include a color reference. I do have more complex sheets I use for major characters in stories with larger casts.
  • (optional) Species — World-building stuff
  • (optional) Magic systems / SciFi stuff — World-building stuff
  • (optional) Locations — World-building stuff

Adjustments for a series

For a series, the character, species, etc. will get moved out of the individual story's planning file and into individual files (e.g. one big file for all the series's characters to live in, one big file for all the species to live in, etc.). The series planning file gets a story index instead of a chapter index. Each individual story still has a planning file with synopsis, plot, and chapter index.


I also have set sub folders. One of them is named after a short hand for cover. It's where cover files, promo graphics, and promotional text drafts go. The other is named after a shorthand for front/back matter. Right now, it's just where my CSS file lives. I had loftier goals for it but, since I'm only publishing through Draft2Digital right now, I don't need those other files.


For the drafts themselves: Individual chapters get their own markdown file. I use the cat command put them into a combined manuscript. If I was using Windows for writing, I could use type but I have a version of cat compiled for Windows too. I switched to individual chapter files for technological reasons but I like this better now. Each chapter gets a heading block and a comment at the end tracking the ending word count of the day. I use that info for my word count spreadsheet. I usually only retain ~3 days final word counts in a given chapter. If I was still working on whole manuscripts, I would only track word count by day against the entire project rather than by chapters.

Other details

Not included. I have scripts and configuration files I use so I can generate a preview file, ePubs, etc. on a whim. If you're already doing some kind of Pandoc process for your stories, we could compare notes. It's not even potentially useful for anyone else to hear about it.


This is pretty easy for me to spin up at any moment because I have a folder called a new project kit that includes template files for all of the above. I just copy it to start a new project and fill in the bits I need.

That part is the part I think will probably be most useful to someone else. Make yourself a template with the things you need already there. Copy it when you start or plan a new story.

If you enjoy erotic or adult fiction, please check out my books on Chanting Lure Tales.

from AmoraKatz

The Unidirectional Tape Market Report delivers a detailed examination of the market, covering essential insights into market size, projected growth, and major trends. This report provides an in-depth view of the market through segmentation by region, by segments, along with targeted analysis designed to support informed strategic decisions. Evaluating the industry’s dynamics, the report highlights key growth drivers, challenges, and emerging opportunities. Essential for CEOs, analysts, and stakeholders, the report includes both SWOT and PESTLE analyses, offering valuable insights into competitive strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats across various regions and segments.

Unidirectional Tape Market Size

According to Straits Research, the global Unidirectional Tape Market is set for substantial growth, projected to reach USD 930.04 Million by 2033 at a robust CAGR of 10.27%. This growth is driven by advancements in technology and regional expansions that are reshaping the industry landscape. The report captures this momentum and explores the impact of these developments on global and regional markets specifically.

Request a Free Sample (Free Executive Summary at Full Report Starting from USD 1850):

Key Report Highlights

  • Market Overview and Competitive Landscape: Covers strategic insights on key players, their market share, recent advancements, and effective marketing tactics.
  • Segmentation Analysis: Divides the market into sub-segments based on product type, application, and regions, with both macro and micro-level analysis.
  • Regional Insights: Offers revenue forecasts and trend analysis across major geographies, including:
    • North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
    • Europe: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia
    • Asia-Pacific: China, Japan, Australia, Indonesia
    • Middle East & Africa: UAE, Iran, South Africa
    • South America: Brazil, Peru, Chile, Colombia
  • Emerging Trends and Opportunities: Highlights growth drivers, constraints, market trends, and high-growth areas, assisting companies in identifying future business opportunities.

Buy Full Report (Exclusive Insights with In-Depth Data Supplement):

Top Players in the Unidirectional Tape Market

The report highlights leading companies, including 

  1. BÜFA Thermoplastic Composites GmbH & Co. KG

  2. Hexcel Corporation

  3. Celanese Corporation

  4. Evonik Industries AG

  5. Mitsui Chemicals Inc.

  6. Oxeon AB (TeXtreme)

  7. SABIC

  8. Solvay

  9. TCR Composites Inc.

  10. TOPOLO New Materials

  11. Victrex plc

Unidirectional Tape Market Segmental Analysis

  1. By Reinforcement Type

    1. Glass Fiber

    2. Carbon Fiber

    3. Other Reinforcement Types

  2. By Backing Material

    1. Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK)

    2. Polyamide (PA)

    3. Polypropylene (PP)

    4. Polycarbonate (PC)

    5. Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)

    6. Other Backing Materials

  3. By Adhesive Type

    1. Epoxy

    2. Polyurethane

    3. Other Adhesive Types

  4. By End-User Industry

    1. Aerospace and Defense

    2. Automotive

    3. Sports and Leisure

    4. Industrial

    5. Wind Energy

    6. Other end-user Industries

Market Segmentation with Insights-Driven Strategy Guide:

Additional Features

  • Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis: Offers a complete analysis of market dynamics, enabling stakeholders to make data-driven decisions.
  • Revenue Growth Projections: Provides revenue forecasts from 2025 to 2033 across all geographic levels, helping stakeholders evaluate investment potential and market opportunities.
  • Segmentation and Market Share Details: Segment-level insights, including growth projections, market shares, and regional demand trends.

Key Unit Economics for C-Suite Consideration

The report details essential unit economics that Unidirectional Tape Market manufacturers should track, including:

  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)R&D CostsSG&A Expenses
  • Distribution, Warranty, and After-Sales Costs
  • Revenue per Unit and Gross Margin
  • Break-even Point and Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)
  • Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)
  • Capital Expenditures (CapEx) and Economies of Scale
  • Profit Margin

COVID-19 and Geopolitical Impact

The report also covers the COVID-19 impact on the Unidirectional Tape Market market, providing pre- and post-pandemic analysis by type, application, and customer sector. It explores the effects of recent geopolitical events, including the Russia-Ukraine conflict, on market conditions and growth potential. Customization options allow users to tailor the report to their specific needs.

To purchase the report:

Research Methodology

Straits Research employs a rigorous methodology combining top-down and bottom-up approaches. Data triangulation ensures accuracy in estimating market size and forecasts. Extensive primary research with industry stakeholders further validates market figures and trends.

About Straits Research

Straits Research is a premier provider of market intelligence and analytics, offering in-depth research, advisory services, and comprehensive industry reports.

Contact Us:

  • Address: 825 3rd Avenue, New York, NY, USA, 10022
  • Phone: +1 646 905 0080 (US), +91 8087085354 (India), +44 203 695 0070 (UK)

from AmoraKatz

Biochar Market Comprehensive Analysis Forecast by 2032

The Global Biochar Market Report presents an in-depth analysis, merging qualitative and quantitative insights to provide a holistic understanding of the market's dynamics. The report evaluates growth drivers, challenges, and constraints while forecasting revenue trends across key segments. It offers both historical and projected data, giving stakeholders a clear view of market trends and future potential.

This report dives into the competitive landscape, featuring key market players, including their marketing strategies, revenue shares, recent advancements, and roles in shaping the industry. The report details major players' profiles and includes information on mergers and acquisitions, industry concentration ratios, and new trends influenced by COVID-19 and global regional conflicts. Such insights help readers understand competitors' positioning and provide strategies for market entry and expansion.

Download Free Sample Report with Complimentary Analyst Consultation

Biochar Market Revenue

According to Straits Research, the global Biochar Market size was valued at USD 208.0 million in 2023. It is projected to grow from USD 234.0 million in 2024 to USD 600.4 million by 2032, with a projected CAGR of 12.5% over the forecast period (2024–2032).

Top Players in the Biochar Market

The report highlights leading companies, including 

  1. Airex Energy Incorporation

  2. Cool Planet Energy Systems

  3. Pacific Pyrolysis Pty Ltd

  4. Agri-Tech Producers LLC

  5. Genesis Industries LLC

  6. Full Circle Biochar

  7. The Biochar Company

  8. Earth Systems Bioenergy

  9. Phoenix Energy

  10. Chargrow LLC

  11. Biochar Now LLC

  12. Green Charcoal International

  13. Clean Fuels B.V.

  14. Biochar Products Inc.

  15. Carbofex BV

  16. Agri-Tech Producers

  17. Pacific Biochar Benefit Corporation

  18. Biochar Supreme LLC

  19. Sonnenerde GmbH

and more, with detailed insights into their strategic positioning.

Biochar Market Segmental Analysis

  1. By Technology

    1. Pyrolysis

    2. Gasification

  2. By Application

    1. Farming

    2. Livestock

    3. Power Generation

Market Segmentation:

Additional Features

  • Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis: Offers a complete analysis of market dynamics, enabling stakeholders to make data-driven decisions.
  • Revenue Growth Projections: Provides revenue forecasts from 2024 to 2032 across all geographic levels, helping stakeholders evaluate investment potential and market opportunities.
  • Segmentation and Market Share Details: Segment-level insights, including growth projections, market shares, and regional demand trends.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction and Market Scope: Detailed coverage of the Biochar Market's product types, applications, opportunities, risks, and driving factors.
  • Industry Player Analysis: In-depth profiles of major market players, including recent developments, primary business activities, and market impact.
  • Geographic Segmentation and Competitive Insight: Market data segmented by region, type, and application to illustrate growth patterns and regional differences.
  • Production and Cost Insights: Analysis of production costs, essential raw materials, and supply chain dynamics.

Biochar Market Report Highlights

  • Market Overview and Segmentation: Provides a macro and micro-level analysis of market size, industry chain, and market dynamics, covering segmentation by type, application, and region.
  • Comprehensive Regional Analysis: Offers detailed forecasts and analysis for regions, including North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy), Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico), and the Middle East & Africa.
  • Competitive Landscape: Highlights key players' profiles with information on market share, revenue, and growth strategies. Covers publicly listed and privately held companies, with insights into regional marketing and operational strategies.
  • Emerging Trends and Opportunities: Discusses recent developments, market expansion strategies, and identifies potential growth areas across regions and segments.
  • Industry Challenges and Risk Analysis: Addresses key risks, market constraints, production costs, raw material availability, and methods to mitigate these challenges.

Buy Full Report (Exclusive Insights)

Reasons to Purchase the Report

  • Comprehensive Segmentation Analysis: Gain detailed insights into each market segment and sub-segment.
  • Global and Regional Market Dynamics: Understand global supply-demand trends with specific country and region data.
  • Detailed Competitor Analysis: Benchmark against key players with insights on their strategies, market shares, and revenue.
  • Emerging Opportunities and Market Trends: Identify areas of potential growth and stay ahead with insights into new industry developments.

About Us

Straits Research is a prominent research and intelligence organization offering comprehensive analytics, advisory services, and business insights through well-curated reports.

Contact Us:

  • Address: 825 3rd Avenue, New York, NY, USA, 10022
  • Phone: +1 646 905 0080 (U.S.), +91 8087085354 (India), +44 203 695 0070 (U.K.)

from AmoraKatz

The Global Oat Milk Market Report 2025 offers a thorough and data-driven analysis of the Oat Milk Market industry, covering key aspects such as market size, growth drivers, limitations, and future prospects. Market analysts meticulously collect data using polls, focus groups, and thorough examination of industry trends. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, they ensure a well-rounded and accurate market report. This report offers detailed insights into market size, growth potential, competitive landscape, and consumer preferences. By leveraging sophisticated analytical tools and expert knowledge, the report provides valuable recommendations and strategic guidance, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the Oat Milk Market.

According to Straits Research, the global Oat Milk Market size was valued at USD 2.89 Billion in 2022. It is anticipated to grow from USD XX Billion in 2023 to USD 9.47 Billion by 2031, with a projected CAGR of 14.1% over the forecast period (2023–2031).

Oat Milk Market Growth Prospects and Overview

  • Expanded Industry Overview: A more thorough and detailed industry analysis.
  • In-Depth Company Profiles: Enhanced profiles with comprehensive information on major market players.
  • Customized Reports & Analyst Support: Tailored reports and direct analyst access are available on request.
  • Oat Milk Market Insights: Analysis of recent market developments and upcoming growth opportunities.
  • Regional & Country-Specific Reports: Customized insights focused on particular regions or countries to meet specific needs.

Request a Free Sample (Full Report Starting from USD 1850):

Key Findings Include:

  • Market Segmentation: Analyzes sub-segments by type, application, and region, providing forecasts for revenue growth across all levels from 2023 to 2031.
  • Regional Analysis: Detailed study of geographic segments, with North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and South America all assessed in terms of sales, revenue, and market share.
  • Strategic Insights: Market positioning, marketing channels, and potential growth strategies are examined to provide actionable intelligence for business expansion.

Key Features of the Oat Milk Market Report

In-Depth Market Analysis

  • A thorough exploration of market trends, growth drivers, challenges, and constraints.
  • Historical and projected data for market size, revenue, supply, and demand across major segments and regions.

Oat Milk Market Segmental Analysis

  1. By Source

    1. Organic

    2. Conventional

  2. By Product

    1. Plain

    2. Flavored

  3. By Packaging

    1. Cartons

    2. Bottles

  4. By Distribution Channel

    1. Supermarket & Hypermarket

    2. Grocery Store

    3. E-Commerce

Market Segmentation with Insights-Driven Strategy Guide:

Top Players in the Oat Milk Market Outlook

  • Comprehensive profiles of leading companies, including financial metrics, market share, and strategic developments.
  • Competitive insights through analyses such as SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces, which examine market positioning and potential growth opportunities.

    1. Califia Farms LLC

    2. Hain Celestial Group

    3. Pacific Foods of Oregon LLC

    4. Danone S.A

    5. HP Hood LLC

    6. Oatly AB

    7. Elmhurst Milked Direct LLC

    8. RISE Brewing Co.

    9. Thrive Market

  1. Earths Own Food Company

Oat Milk Market Regional Statistics

In-depth examination of regional and country-level markets, assessing historical and future trends, sales volumes, and growth rates across various geographies.

  • North America: United States, Canada
  • Europe: United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy
  • Asia-Pacific: China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia
  • Latin America: Brazil, Mexico
  • Middle East & Africa

Buy Full Report (Exclusive Insights):

Why Invest in This Report?

  • Market Warning Factors & Geopolitical Impact: Highlights challenges such as regulatory hurdles, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical factors that may affect growth.
  • Latest Macroeconomic Indicators: Analyzes GDP growth, inflation, and consumer spending to assess their impact on the Oat Milk Market.
  • Technology Factors & ESG Trends: Focuses on technological innovations and the influence of ESG trends on strategies and consumer expectations.
  • Research Objectives & Methodology: Utilizes a robust research approach, including primary and secondary sources, expert interviews, and data triangulation for accurate insights.
  • Limitations & Assumptions: Acknowledges constraints like data availability and market volatility that may impact the outlook.
  • Currency & Pricing Considerations: Provides forecasts in [Currency], analyzing currency fluctuations and their effect on pricing and profitability.

Detailed Table of Content of the Oat Milk Market Report:

Research Methodology

Straits Research employs a rigorous methodology combining top-down and bottom-up approaches. Data triangulation ensures accuracy in estimating market size and forecasts. Extensive primary research with industry stakeholders further validates market figures and trends.

About Straits Research

Straits Research is a global provider of high-quality market research, analytics, and advisory services. With a dedicated team of expert analysts, we deliver actionable data and insights to support informed business decisions. Our customized approach allows us to cater to each client’s specific needs, ensuring the most relevant and valuable market intelligence.

Contact Us:

  • Address: 825 3rd Avenue, New York, NY, USA, 10022
  • Phone: +1 646 905 0080 (U.S.), +91 8087085354 (India), +44 203 695 0070 (U.K.)

from AmoraKatz

In recent years, the global Supplements And Nutrition Packaging Market has undergone a transformative journey, fueled by evolving consumer demands, cutting-edge innovations, and an increasing focus on sustainability. Our comprehensive Supplements And Nutrition Packaging Market Research Report unveils key strategic insights, highlighting growth trends, market dynamics, competitive landscapes, and emerging opportunities.

Supplements And Nutrition Packaging Market Revenue

According to Straits Research, the global Supplements And Nutrition Packaging Market size was valued at USD 23.96 Billion in 2021. It is projected to grow from USD XX Billion in 2022 to USD 35.94 Billion by 2030, with a projected CAGR of 4.61% over the forecast period (2022–2030).

Get your Free Sample Report today to unlock actionable insights and stay ahead in the game. Click Here @

Market Snapshot

This report dives deep into market segmentation by regions and categories, uncovering lucrative opportunities for vendors to leverage. We meticulously evaluate the current market scenario and its future potential, analyzing key factors like:

  • Production and consumption trends
  • Adjacent market growth
  • Vendor revenue analysis
  • Scenario-based forecasts

Our rigorous research methodology integrates top-down and bottom-up approaches, validated through industry expert interviews, to provide a precise view of market size and growth. Year-over-year growth patterns and historical trends are compared to offer a clear trajectory for the Crypto Wallet market.

To establish the important thing traits, Ask Our Experts @

Top Players in the Supplements And Nutrition Packaging Market 

The report highlights leading companies, including 

  1. Alpha Packaging

  2. Comar LLC.

  3. Container and Packaging Supply Inc.

  4. ePac Holdings LLC.

  5. Gerresheimer AG

  6. Glenroy Inc.

  7. Graham Packaging Company

  8. ImpacX Law Print & Packaging Management Ltd.

  9. MPS (Moulded Packaging Solutions)

  10. OPM Labels.

and more, with detailed insights into their strategic positioning.

Supplements And Nutrition Packaging Market Segmental Analysis

  1. By Raw Material

    1. Glass

    2. Plastic

    3. Metal

    4. Paper and Cardboard

  2. By Formulation

    1. Tablets

    2. Pills & Capsules

    3. Powder

    4. Soft gels

    5. Liquid

  3. By Packaging Type

    1. Primary Packaging

    2. Secondary and Tertiary Packaging

Market Segmentation:

Supplements And Nutrition Packaging Market Report Highlights

  • Market Overview and Segmentation: Provides a macro and micro-level analysis of market size, industry chain, and market dynamics, covering segmentation by type, application, and region.
  • Comprehensive Regional Analysis: Offers detailed forecasts and analysis for regions, including North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy), Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico), and the Middle East & Africa.
  • Competitive Landscape: Highlights key players' profiles with information on market share, revenue, and growth strategies. Covers publicly listed and privately held companies, with insights into regional marketing and operational strategies.
  • Emerging Trends and Opportunities: Discusses recent developments, market expansion strategies, and identifies potential growth areas across regions and segments.
  • Industry Challenges and Risk Analysis: Addresses key risks, market constraints, production costs, raw material availability, and methods to mitigate these challenges.

Additional Features

  • Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis: Offers a complete analysis of market dynamics, enabling stakeholders to make data-driven decisions.
  • Revenue Growth Projections: Provides revenue forecasts from 2022 to 2030 across all geographic levels, helping stakeholders evaluate investment potential and market opportunities.
  • Segmentation and Market Share Details: Segment-level insights, including growth projections, market shares, and regional demand trends.

About Straits Research

Straits Research is a global provider of high-quality market research, analytics, and advisory services. With a dedicated team of expert analysts, we deliver actionable data and insights to support informed business decisions. Our customized approach allows us to cater to each client’s specific needs, ensuring the most relevant and valuable market intelligence.

Contact Us:

  • Address: 825 3rd Avenue, New York, NY, USA, 10022
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from Lastige Gevallen in de Rede

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from Robin Marx's Writing Repository

This review originally appeared on Goodreads on September 21, 2014.

At Drake's Command

By David Wesley Hill – Temurlone Press – November 16, 2013

Review by Robin Marx

This nautical adventure is the first chronicle of Peregrine James's adventures as a part of Sir Francis Drake's crew. The book reads like one of the early Horatio Hornblower novels, with an earnest and resourceful young man proving his worth to his superiors, but rather than a promising young midshipman, James acts as the ship's cook. This provides an interesting perspective on the events to follow.

This book is well-grounded in history, taking place on a historical expedition full of real, named historical characters. This feeling of authenticity extends to every corner of the book. The details of seagoing life and the dialogue all feel realistic and colorful. I particularly appreciated how the author didn't shy away from the bawdier aspects of the sailor's language and lifestyle like many nautical fiction authors; this earthiness added a level of realism that is often lacking in more “PG-rated” ocean adventures.

My only complaint about this book is that I wish there was more of it. I wasn't aware going into the book that it was to be part of a series, I expected a stand-alone novel and because of my misperception the pacing felt a bit off throughout the book. Nearly a quarter of the book is done before the ship actually ventures out to sea, and rather than circumnavigating the globe, the events described here hover around Africa's Barbary Coast, a fact that made me a bit nervous as the end of the book approached. Not only does the book only cover a portion of the journey, it also ends on a right bastard of a cliffhanger. While I was pleased to see that more adventures are to follow, and pacing is less of a concern if the reader is aware going in that more books are forthcoming, I still can't shake the feeling that—instead of a complete book with a beginning, middle, and end—this book is simply a bloodily truncated section of a larger work. That's one aspect that compares unfavorably with something like the Hornblower series, which managed to deliver satisfyingly self-contained stories within the framework of a larger saga.

That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I'm very eager to see what comes next.


#CapsuleReviewArchive #BookReview #HistoricalFiction #NauticalFiction #AtDrakesCommand #DavidWesleyHill


from Robin Marx's Writing Repository

This review originally appeared on Goodreads on May 29, 2012.

Winterfair Gifts

By Lois McMaster Bujold – Spectrum Literary Agency – January 5, 2011

Review by Robin Marx

Winterfair Gifts first debuted in a genre romance anthology called Irresistible Forces, but I'd only recommend it to those already familiar with the Vorkosigan stories, as it doesn't stand on its own very well. While not an indispensable entry in Bujold's long-running Vorkosigan series, this novella was a very satisfying read, one of those rare stories that left me with warm fuzzies after the story's conclusion.

Taking place between A Civil Affair and Diplomatic Immunity, plot is secondary in this story. This is a trait shared with some of the other recent Vorkosigan books, but this isn't a gripe. People read Bujold for her characters, which are second to none. With more than two dozen Vorkosigan stories available, Miles Vorkosigan, his family, and comrades have all become like friends to this reader. Every new Vorkosigan story is a welcome chance to visit with these longtime friends again.


#CapsuleReviewArchive #BookReview #ScienceFiction #WinterfairGifts #VorkosiganSaga #LoisMcMasterBujold


from Robin Marx's Writing Repository

This review originally appeared on Goodreads on August 9, 2017.

The Red Skull (Doc Savage #6)

By Kenneth Robeson (House Name)/Lester Dent – Street & Smith – 1933

Review by Robin Marx

Doc Savage is hired to investigate a criminal conspiracy and incidents of sabotage involving a dam being built by the Desert Mining Construction Company.

While not without merit, this is probably the blandest entry in the Doc Savage series so far. There are some nice action scenes and Monk's secretary Lea Aster, the sole female character, shows a great deal of ingenuity in getting word out to Doc Savage after she is kidnapped by hoods. This volume was also completely absent of dated racist stereotyping, but this is probably because the book takes place entirely within America's borders. Exotic locations are a big draw for me when it comes to pulp fiction, so their absence in this story was a definite negative. While physically present for most of the story, another weakness is the fact that Savage's five companions also do not have much dialogue.

The criminal conspiracy at the heart of the story is interesting, as is the fact that Doc Savage spends a great deal of time surrounded by people who may or be secret saboteurs. However, once again the masked mastermind is dramatically revealed to be...a minor, unobtrusive supporting character who we are given no prior reason to suspect. This seems to happen frequently in the Doc Savage stories. A little foreshadowing would go a long way when it comes to adding some impact to the final reveal. All in all a C effort.


#CapsuleReviewArchive #BookReview #PulpFiction #TheRedSkull #DocSavage #KennethRobeson #LesterDent


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