from Noisy Deadlines

  • ⛸️ This weekend was great to go skating at the Canal again. Perfect -4C with very good ice. I’m still impressed with my pair of skates that are comfortable and cozy. This time we skated around 10km, and I rewarded myself with a classic Beaver Tail and hot chocolate.
  • 🧩 We’ve made some progress on our Tiamat dragon puzzle. Slow but steady progress.
  • 🤖 We got our first robot vacuum for our house. I’ve never had one before and it does a decent job of maintenance cleaning. The main reason I got one is that every time I vacuum with my old standard one, my low back hurts. So, I want to minimize the time I spend cleaning the house, and the robot helps a lot!
  • 🎧 I wanted to find a podcast with a Dungeons and Dragon campaign in which the DM was a woman, and I found one. It’s called Spell Check. It’s not new and I’m going through the archives (it stopped being updated in 2021!). The players are all Young Adult authors, and they are fun. I am enjoying it because it’s simple and unpretentious.
  • 🩺 I did another upper endoscopy last week to investigate my acid reflux/stomach issues. This time I finally got an appointment with a gastro specialist, so now we are waiting for biopsies results to confirm the doctor’s suspicions. This time the doctor told me to suspend my stomach medication for a week before the exam, and those were tough days, because symptoms exacerbated a little. But all is good now, back with medication.
  • 📗 I finished a book that deep inside I wished I had abandoned it about halfway through, but I don’t regret finishing it (if that makes sense). It usually happens when the beginning of the book is great, but then it starts to drag. And because the beginning intrigued me, I want to keep on reading because maybe it will get better, right? Sometimes that is not true. But anyway, now I know. It was a series that I had on my radar for a couple of years, and now I know I don’t want to continue reading.


Post 72/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes

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