from Noisy Deadlines

  • 🏖️ We went on a day-road-trip this weekend to Kingston. We walked around the waterfront, which is lovely in the summer! It was a sunny, gorgeous day. We packed some waffle sandwiches and had lunch by the waterfront in Kingston. It was breezy and nice by the lake. We also visited the Pump House Museum and saw some real-life steampunk water pumps from 1851. Cool! Later in the day I got into a small rabbit hole to know more about steam engines and how a centrifugal governor works:

Steampunk images from the Pump House Museum – Kingston

Kingston waterfront

  • 🚗 And on the way back from Kingston we drove through the 1000 Islands Parkway and then the Long Sault Parkway Scenic Routes. It was more than 400km total. Perfect day for a road trip.
  • 👟 We went for a 7Km scenic run around Dow’s Lake on Sunday. Again, such nice weather and beautiful scenery. We didn’t run the whole perimeter because we weren’t sure about the distance, so we walked a bit. But we could have run all around, I think it’s less than 10Km so it’s doable! We will come back another day.
  • 📚 I’m glad to be back reading The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. I read the first book in 2019, and now I’m reading book #11. The writing just gets better with each book. But it is urban fantasy and some of the books were quite formulaic and sometimes it felt repetitive to read them one after the other. I usually take a breather and then come back to the series. And I come back because of the characters, they are great!
  • ✅ I’ve been experimenting a GTD setup, just out of curiosity. I thought it would be more impactful, but I think I still prefer my old setup with Nirvana.


Post 25/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes

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