from thehypocrite

Love came without warning, No chance to think or process Contextualize or analyze

One morning awoke A signal sent hesitantly, Reciprocity triggered glow

Twinkled eyes And sunrays take on New Meaning

Easy smiles are How hearts are lost And lives won

A heart is captured Even before its owner Understands that the day is begun

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words are our only real power #poetry

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from thehypocrite

Oh! What nights such as these! When I soar as a King of a universe Living decades and lifetimes in one turn of the hour Wooing lovers And soothing souls Drinking from the cup Of forgotten enlightenment And then forgetting In the next breath Having and losing All knowledge Without the least concern I know life I know love Our hearts, And all hearts, Bind And intertwine Until that moment When the lights goes Away and the Fingers of dawn Call us back to Reality.

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words are our only real power #poetry

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from The Poet Sky

I need words Full of love and praise

I need time To laugh To cry To talk To be heard

I need affection The warm touch Of one I love

These are my needs It's valid to express them And they are important

#Poetry #MyBeautifulSky #SelfCare #SelfLove

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from Dio Writes

I don’t have much to say beyond… I am sorry for all of those who have suffered bc I’m the way I am. I’m trying. I am.

TW: Death, Rage, Suicide

#poetry #writing #trauma

Rarely smiling, trialing surrender in this life of mine

Daring death to find me, getting pissed at every miss

“Why don't you try to open up” because you asshole, I'm not fine

You think you know me, fucker? Tell me:

What truths are hidden behind my eyes?

Did you see the fear I felt as I lay waiting there alone

Hospital sounds in full surround my life's future yet unknown

An unknown illness gripping me, my balance all askew

“Daft girl, it's just anxiety” Motherfucker, I will end you!

Did you feel my heart get torn apart as her life force slowly stilled

My anguished wail, me ripped asunder, my greatest fears fulfilled

“Well perhaps you'll find another” Bitch it took all I could to resist

To leave you with your blood unspilled, I was epochs passed 'just pissed'

Did you ever sense the truth behind “I like the work I do there”

Wonder why it was so easy to laugh at death missed by a few hairs?

Gods alive, I thought you'd know, I half wanted to be ended

Body broken, soul departed, flesh of mine all rended.

Did you not see my disappointment that I was just too hard to kill?




I never

Told you.


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from thehypocrite

Arc and burn Two things made one By Prometheus’ treasure Stolen from the sun.

Clad in armor For a battle Not for honor Or glory

But for the Building blocks Of our lives As those men

Of old in the Pictures, legs A-dangle and Little black boxes

Filled with tiny thoughts Of love By Loving hands

Arc and burn From 60 stories High they Look down on a world That somehow Can still look down on them

Gazes icy and blue Hard as the nature Of their trade Honest done And honest made

Rich men in Character In family And the stories They tell But not by the Hours of the life They sell.

words are our only real power #poetry

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