from Roscoe's Story

Prayers, etc.: * 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel * 06:30 – praying The Angelus * 07:10 – praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by the Memorare * 07:30 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: The fear of sin has to turn into the fear of being a cause of the Passion of our Lord. We have to be so afraid of causing pain to our Lord, so afraid of turning away from Him and being separated from Him, that we avoid sin at all cost, not only mortal sin but venial sin as well. We say it in the beautiful prayer that comes just before Communion, “Do not allow me ever to be separated from You.” * 12:00 – praying The Angelus * 15:40 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. * 18:00 – praying The Angelus * 19:40 – praying the hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Ripperger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Thursday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: * bw= 218.0 lbs. * bp= 141/69 (72)

Diet: * 06:00 – ½ pb&j sandwich * 07:45 – fig newtons, 1 banana * 10:30 – 1 cheese and sandwich spread sandwich * 12:30 – 3 big oatmeal raisin cookies * 13:15 – fish steaks * 15:00 – 1 mandarin orange * 17:55 – 1 ice cream sandwich

Chores, etc.: * 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio * 09:30 – 12:30 – Internet was down, so I had a few hours of radio and reading time * 12:30 – watch old TV shows and eat lunch at home with Sylvia * 12:45 – monitor bank accounts activity * 14:00 – follow favorite writers on Substack * 16:00 – local news and weather * 17:45 – tuned into the radio network of the Marshall Thundering Herd ahead of their college football game vs the Georgia State Panthers

Chess: * 14:30 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Thursday, 2024-10-17 ~20:00 #DLOCT2024


from Roscoe's Quick Notes

At ~09:30 this morning the home Internet went down in my neighborhood. At that time my ISP predicted the outage would last approx. 8 hours. Luckily they were able to bring us back online by ~12:30, so only 3 hours of actual downtime.

As I'm mostly a radio guy anyway, and a reader, this gave me a chance to put on a good music station and get some reading done. It turned out to be a pretty good morning for me, actually.

This evening I plan to follow some live college football. Of course, there's also the option of NFL's Thursday Night Football, but the college games appeal to me more.

posted Thursday, Oct 17, 2024 at ~5:25 PM #QNOCT2024


from thehypocrite

Don’t let the shadow of the past prevent the grass of your future from growing.

'But no, you are super sir the noble. The director. The stable drinker. Mister this, mister that and who knows what the hell else. You're damn straight I'm angry.'


There can be no shadow without sunlight.

'I'm not just blowing sunshine. I genuinely esteem you, sir. Not sure I could live with you, but thoroughly love you to pieces.'

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from ein sof

Dimanche après-midi Un appartement empli De suif de tristesse de vide Humanité graisseuse Retirée d'elle-même Sans horizon car sans lumière Fuir Il y a de la poudre sur le souvenir Des flaques des désespoirs des murs troués On devient sans le savoir Une incarnation de la pluie On renonce à soi & au monde On travaille À même le jour chômé Mais le train ne vient pas Alors on oscille Avec l'aiguille D'une montre À l'arrêt & des sirènes au loin tracent Le contour d'une ville Qui se refuse à nous Une sorte de douve huileuse Pour la poussière & la pauvreté L'heure est à la vomissure On se suspend à ce petit rien À la pensée Que la rouille finira bien Peut-être Par faire dérailler le train Le monde & le monde à soi avec Attendre Attente sans but On s'égare au-devant du néant Comme un pigeon sur un quai de métro


Lire la suite...

from Telmina's notes









 特に日本国内では、思想信条の異なる者に対する嫌がらせが後を絶ちません。かつてTwitterの周辺サービスとして存在していた「Block Together」というブロックリスト共有サービスは、日本国内からはいわゆるネット右翼対策で活用されていて、サービス提供者もそれを認識していたほどです。

 しかし、Twitter時代からのAPI改悪により、「Block Together」のようなサービスは続行不可能に追い込まれました。今回発表されたブロック機能の大改悪はその総仕上げとでも言うべきか。

























best quality,8k, realistic, masterpiece, RAW photo, a tall Japanese voluptuous short-haired intelligent beautiful girl standing and crossing her arms, wearing black headband, black leather hotpants, black tanktops, black long boots., lighting from bellow

This image is created by Stable Diffusion web UI.

#2024年 #2024年10月 #2024年10月18日 #SNS #Twitter #分散型SNS #Mastodon #マストドン #Fediverse #ブロック


from G A N Z E E R . T O D A Y

Woke up to 16°C. This is probably not too cold for many people, but it was all the way up in the 30s just a day ago. Such a sudden drop is too much of a shock to my system and I am thus visibly grumpy. I like my seasonal changes to be a little more gradual, please.

Thoughts on geopolitical developments in the back of my mind are keeping me from being able to focus on much anything, but I am trying.

Most of the latest UNGA speeches likened the current moment to the interwar period, signaling that we may indeed be on the brink of another world war lest something is done about it. America's Council on Foreign Relations cites 28 ongoing conflicts worldwide right now. Russia-Ukraine, now in its third year, is of course of extreme significance, as is the Israel-Palestine-Lebanon-Iran mess. The Houthi situation in Yemen along with recent developments in the Horn of Africa posits that this will likely be an arena of major conflict just by virtue of the area's vitality to global trade routes. The situation surrounding Taiwan is likely to explode soon; China insists that Taiwan is part of its territory (and they aren't entirely wrong given that the state of Taiwan was only established in 1948 after maps were redrawn in the wake of WWII), and the US wants to make sure that does not happen primarily because of America's reliance on Taiwan for semiconductor and smart-chip manufacturing (the basis of all the technology we use today). The Biden administration has kickstarted the process of bringing those industries back into the US, but it will take quite a bit of time, money, expertise, and a whole lot of resources, and the US economy (or Western civilization as we know it even) cannot afford to let those industries be overtaken by China in the interim. Arguments surrounding historical national borderlines and sovereignty aside, the need for China's push to annex Taiwan is now even more acute after the US passed a ban against the sale of chips to China in 2022 (which goes against American free market ideology, but was seen as a necessary measure when it became evident that China, with the help of these imported chips, was overtaking the US in other areas, namely rocket technology). Reverse engineering these chips isn't so easy apparently, it requires a degree of brain-surgeon sophistication applied on an industrial scale. Tawian, South Korea, and the Netherlands seem to be the only nations on the planet that are any good at it.

It's a big hot mess out there.

Managed to get out to see Megalopolis. Surprisingly good turnout. Visually stunning film. Was on board and engaged for most of it. It only lost me in the third act which wrapped things up a little too nicely, the only part that was a little too “traditional Hollywood” for my taste. But otherwise, a generally good film. The only thing that keeps it from being a “great” film, in my view, is that it doesn't offer anything truly revelatory, or even sough any seeds for critical thought. It's fine. It's not bad at all. I'd certainly watch it again (and again) for the aesthetic, but not necessarily the narrative.

(Image above is a work-in-progress from the final THE SOLAR GRID)

#journal #Radar

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from culturavisual{.cc}

El acto fotográfico es siempre un acto físico al tiempo que mental, en permanente equilibrio de estos medios. Se piensa con el cuerpo completo y en el acto, cuerpo y pensamiento devienen una única cosa indivisible e indistinguible. El acto implica interaccionar el cuerpo con el mundo, exponer el cuerpo y en las ocasiones más extremas incluso perder el cuerpo y la vida. Son numerosas las fotos que han costado una o más vidas, a veces por cuestiones nimias e intrascendentes y otras con fuertes cargas épicas. Pero esto quizá no debe preocuparnos en exceso en nuestro objetivo, dado que en circunstancias normales, la fotografía no es una actividad de alto riesgo, aunque implique sus riesgos como la propia vida en su conjunto, vivir es la actividad más arriesgada del mundo. Esto, por tanto, no será un impedimento para narrar las bondades y las necesidades de ejercitar el acto y el acto es defendido como fuente de vida frente a la mirada necrológica que la teoría fotográfica suele proyectar sobre esta.

Obtener una fotografía obliga a ejercitar una acción corporal y física que deviene acción pensante en su conjunto, si va asociada al acto. El pensamiento fotográfico que implica el acto, obliga a desplazamientos constantes, a movimientos corporales, en ocasiones muy precisos, como el de llevarse el visor al ojo dominante. —Curioso el tema del ojo dominante, que en mi caso es el izquierdo, a pesar de ser diestro, lo que me obliga a colocar la cámara sobre casi toda mi cara. Las cámaras telemétricas suelen estar pensadas para un ojo dominante diestro.—

Hay que encuadrar la escena exacta que busco o encuentro adecuada, lo que implica pequeños micromovimientos acompasados y suaves de las manos y del cuerpo. Junto a estos micromovimientos, como los ajustes de enfoque, la medición de la luz justa y adecuada, la comprobación de la profundidad de campo, los ajustes de velocidad de disparo y apertura de diafragma, etc.

En ocasiones, estos micromovimientos desaparecen y los dejamos a la libre decisión del dispositivo tecnológico que utilicemos, en el caso de cámaras con funciones automáticas, que toman esas decisiones por nosotros y nos limitan nuestra libertad y convierten el acto en una mera decisión de encuadre. En ocasiones ni eso, lo que no deja de implicar también un movimiento e interacción corporal.

Ciertamente, las funciones automáticas que la gran mayoría de personas utiliza cuando dispara una fotografía, especialmente con teléfonos inteligentes, anula una parte importante de las decisiones del acto y lo acerca de forma consistente al extracto, sobre el que argumentaré con posterioridad. Aun así, los dispositivos tecnológicos asociados a la fotografía realizada por humanos siguen implicando un movimiento corporal.

Solamente dispositivos plenamente automáticos, no controlados por humanos, que registran imágenes de forma aleatoria o con sensores o controlada por software determinados, excluyen al hombre del registro fotográfico, pero también excluyen esas acciones de registro del acto. Obviamente, estas imágenes, con menor implicación humana en su producción, pueden generar nuevas formas de conocimiento, pero a partir de su percepción, no de su acción, que son ámbitos de relación con la imagen diferentes.

Además, no hay que olvidar, que todos estos dispositivos automáticos, han nacido del pensamiento de seres humanos y con un objetivo concreto que precisamente se centra en la negación del acto, más bien en tratar de liberarse de la obligación del acto. Nacen, por tanto, como una reacción al acto y en cierta manera, como un intento de liberación de la corporalidad humana, que finalmente acaba siendo infructuoso, ya que lo único que hace es traspasar esa corporalidad a otros agentes que no son los responsables finales de la captación de las imágenes. Aparece, por tanto, la figura del operario, necesario para instalar esos dispositivos, al menos, como cámaras de vigilancia, etc., y que no vuelven a intervenir en ese proceso y ni siquiera están vinculados a esa captación de imágenes.

Este tipo de dispositivos resulta de un ansia de trascender la corporalidad necesaria que implica el acto, quiere trascender el acto. Esta idea del haber estado allí, imprescindible para realizar la fotografía y una de las esencias del acto que, contradictoriamente, también contribuye en gran medida a su desviación extractiva. Estas ansias de superioridad propias del ser humano, de hacerse omnipresente y poder ejercer la ilusión de estar allí sin estarlo, a través de esos ojos substitutivos como drones. Nos ofrecen ese poder de volar y de ver el mundo desde una posición de superioridad, o cámaras instaladas a miles de kilómetros y que podemos controlar en remoto desde nuestro sofá, o ni tan siquiera eso, productoras de imágenes sin testigos, que nadie verá jamás. Imágenes extracorporales que en la mayoría de las ocasiones han sido creadas para vigilar precisamente los cuerpos y sus movimientos, como las cámaras de seguridad y dispositivos similares. La negación del cuerpo para el control de cuerpo y la libertad. El cuerpo controlado por la imagen no participada por el cuerpo, un hilo de contradicción sin fin y complejo enemigo del acto y negador de la esencia fotográfica como activadora del pensamiento. Me declaro enemigo abierto de substituir la esencia del acto por el poder extractivo y extracorporal de estos dispositivos y sus acciones de control de la libertad.

En este sentido, el acto y esos micromovimientos corporales y de pensamiento, requieren de una mínima formación previa que los aspirantes gurus fotográficos, complican más allá de su sencillez con dios sabe que fines, si queremos tomar el control de nuestro cuerpo y nuestro pensamiento en la creación del acto y ser conscientes de las decisiones que tomamos. Estas microacciones de control que permiten las simples cámaras totalmente manuales, son en realidad mucho más sencillas que los complejos e imposibles manuales de algunas cámaras digitales, cuyo conocimiento parece estar reservado a eliminar la capacidad del acto y substituirla por una especie de habilidad que acaba convertida en un fin en sí mismo, conocer el manual de la cámara. Existen multitud de fotógrafos que solo hablan de sus cámaras, de sus posibilidades, de sus capacidades técnicas, hasta el punto que en muchos foros fotográficos, esto ha substituido al acto.

Hacer fotografías ya no importa, los artefactos han suplido la función del acto y su adoración pasiva es el fin último de muchas ansias fotográficas. El cuerpo humano es substituido por el cuerpo maquinal del artefacto y sus accesorios, que parecen imprescindibles, lo que lleva a la fotografía a moverse entre el culto a la imagen y su percepción técnica y el culto a la máquina y su supuesta perfección, olvidando lo más importante, el ser humano que piensa, elabora, imagina y construye la imagen. Se desplaza con su cuerpo para el desarrollo de esa visualización.

Los dos extremos se contaminan, hasta el punto que las discusiones y debates sobre la percepción de la imagen, deviene en una cuestión técnica que nos devuelve de nuevo al artefacto. Esto genera acalorados debates, informes técnicos extensísimos, comparativas complejas, y en muchos casos terriblemente ridículas, donde la imagen es juzgada en función de las capacidades de la máquina o el artefacto que las ha producido, ignorando la capacidad de decisión del acto en esa imagen.

De nuevo el acto se diluye en favor de lo Ahrimánico renunciado a ese equilibrio necesario y netamente humano vinculado al libre albedrío que implican las decisiones y las acciones asociadas al acto. Solamente cuenta la capacidad de la máquina o el objetivo en definir con claridad una esquina del encuadre, un aspecto que solo puede ser percibido aislando fragmentariamente esa imagen, y, por tanto, destruyendo los resultados del acto y deshumanizando los procesos de percepción. La acción fotográfica acaba convertida en una búsqueda y aplicación de recursos técnicos cuyo único fin es eso y cuyo criterio de valoración de una buena fotografía se centra en sus resultados técnicos.

Con la disolución del acto, hemos convertido la valoración de la fotografía en algo similar a lo que sería valorar una pintura por las características de sus pigmentos o de las telas, olvidando que el arte jamás es un objeto. El objeto simplemente nos permite vehicular el arte y olvidar el acto, conlleva pasar de ser fotógrafos, a convertirse en una especie de ópticos optometristas, discutiendo por las mejores gafas posibles mientras dejamos de ver y abandonamos la mirada.

Si quieres saber más sobre el acto fotográfico y su importancia puedes leer mi artículo académico publicado en la revista Communiars.

Seguiré escribiendo aquí sobre este tema, y otros vinculados al pensamiento visual, artístico y la fotografía. Sí, te interesa suscríbete al Feed RSS, al correo o sigue las publicaciones desde una cuenta conectada al fediverso buscando o seguir mi cuenta de 🦣 Mastodon buscando

#Pensamientos #ActoFotográfico

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from yourintrinsicself

God's Love on Earth

God's love is abundant and unconditional. My ability to receive it is consistently far less than what is offered. My role of sharing it in this world is often awkward. Yet my stewardship of Divine love & truth is growing. Growing in wisdom more so than intelligence. Prayerfully learning to welcome the moments where my understanding falls apart. Leaning into the fear that can feel overwhelming. Dedicated to a willingness to see parts of myself crucified, let go of attachments, and be refined by spiritual fire. Discovering that my faith leads me through the fear, beyond my understanding, into a place of transformation. Through repentance and submission to His will over my own moment to moment, I continue to seek truth.

Where might God be calling you to a truth where fear might be in the way?


from Kroeber

#001968 – 17 de Outubro de 2024

Apercebi-me de uma terrível desvantagem dos ebooks. Um livro de papel que não esteja publicado em Portugal (por exemplo) pode ainda assim ser comprado, até mesmo encomendado legalmente online, para ser entregue e lido em Portugal (por exemplo). Isso não se passa com um ebook. Um ebook, não tendo ainda a sua publicação digital confirmada para Portugal, não pode ser legalmente comprado por alguém com uma conta registada com morada portuguesa. Isto é uma situação insólita e um retrocesso enorme. Ao mesmo tempo que a economia selvagem em que vivemos torna tudo líquido, fenómenos aberrantes como este tornam-se realidade: é ilegal em vários países a leitura de um livro que está à venda.

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from The Poet Sky

Little mousegirl Alone in a big world searching for someone to hold

Scared mousegirl Monsters all around never knowing who to trust

Sad mousegirl Hurt by the monsters She's curled up crying her tears

Lonely mousegirl Cut off from the world kept locked up by her own fear

Kind mousegirl Always trusting no matter how many times she gets hurt

Happy mousegirl She found the good The warm, loving people with whom she belongs

#Poetry #Anxiety #Depression #Hope #SelfLove

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from james holloway

The Pukka Pad A5 Metallic Jotta Squared Notebook is my Countdown notebook of choice. I’m not saying we watch a lot of Countdown, but I need to order a new multipack.

I can recommend regular Countdown. If you’re like me, you see marked improvement on the numbers round over time as you pick up techniques and shortcuts (there is good YouTube on this subject), and gain confidence with speedy arithmetic. (I think I can remember going to school once upon a time.)

I think I’d do OK if I went on. My numbers are still average but I do well on the words rounds (although less so conundrums). My strategy would be to favour several large numbers and get close, if not the exact answer, in the time.

Reckon I’d be odds-on for teapot, and have a fair crack at a run of two or three episodes. Very far from octochamp material, of course. That’s before factoring in anxiety, though. Odds of actually going on: nil.



from Kroeber

#001967 – 16 de Outubro de 2024

Esta forma de semiocapitalismo, expressão de Franco Berardi, é muito eficaz a instrumentalizar a ideia de responsabilidade pessoal como forma de desmobilizar politicamente os cidadãos. O Zizek chama a atenção para quão insidiosa é este pseudo-argumento, quando tentamos falar sobre ecologia e pensar formas colectivas de resistência: “e tu, já fizeste a tua parte?”.

Noto outra forma, que se torna um peso imenso sobre o meu uso do Instagram e comecei a notar há 20 anos no blogue, embora de forma muito subtil. Público algumas imagens de momentos felizes da minha vida. O meu rosto não surge, mas surge elementos do que me ocupa, paisagens, a bicicleta. E uma boa parte do conteúdo que vejo na mesma plataforma é sobre crimes horrendos como os do estado de Israel sobre civis. Dia após dia, quase não menciono ou promovo publicações sobre este assunto que é dos que tenho sempre presente e um dos que mais conta com a minha solidariedade. Como é esperado implicitamente que o timeline seja uma espécie de vida online, um reflexo da ética, impulsos, preferências, ideias, opiniões de cada um, está ausência é gritante. É como se eu não estivesse disposto “sequer” ao esforço de uma imagem publicada.

No entanto, não vejo o meu Instagram como um reflexo do que sou, muito menos como um profissão de fé sobre o meu comprometimento ético com as causas que defendo. Vejo como um simples mosaico de imagens, com alguma, embora limitada, utilidade. E a acção política, para ser ainda coletiva e livre, tem de acontecer no espaço público. Não basta tornar-se conteúdo explorado como qualquer outro pelas plataformas digitais.

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from Kroeber

#001966 – 15 de Outubro de 2024

Ando entusiasmado com os livros da Becky Chambers. É estranha a espécie de optimismo que serve de atmosfera a cada cena, a gentileza das personagens. A minha inclinação para organizar e dar nomes às coisas diz-me que é uma sensibilidade geracional, esta aceitação das fragilidades emocionais de cada um e a assertividade militante com que se defende as características pessoais do outro. Se for, só conhecia maus exemplos desta abordagem, até agora apenas em narrativas desinteressantes. Nunca o tinha visto ser feito tão bem em nenhuma obra de ficção. Vou devorar o resto da bibliografia da autora.

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from An Open Letter

Oh my god, I just subjected myself to an impromptu hackathon for 0 reason, and I built a fully working Kahoot website for LaTeX in time for my 9AM section I teach tomorrow. I spent from midnight till now just trying to deploy my flask backend since I already have my frontend setup because of my portfolio I’m working on @ Oh my god I’m exhausted, but I’m so fucking proud of myself.


from Mark W.rites

Information architecture outline aside an illustration of a web page. The outline shows a parent of fruit with two children: apples and melons. The apples branch has three children: Pink Lady, Envy, and Honeycrisp. The melons branch has one child: Sugar Kiss. The web page illustration shows a long passage of fake content with a headline that reads 'apples.' A sidebar shows three navigation items from the apples branch of the outline.

The fundamental purpose of information architecture is to enable efficient information retrieval. We accomplish this with meaningful information structure and intuitive labels. And we bring them together with sensible navigation design.

The process must accommodate humans (information seekers) and computers (search engines). To do this, we need to understand how each processes information.

Search engine algorithms are quite complicated, and I won’t get into that here. In this piece my focus is on human beings. But these fundamentals will also have a positive impact on search engines.

UX Laws

Some designers reference a set of “UX laws.” These are principles and biases known to psychologists and human behavior specialists. Three of these laws apply well to IA: Law of Proximity, Hick’s Law, and Selective Attention.

Law of Proximity

This comes from the Gestalt school of psychology. It suggests that when we see objects in proximity, we identify them as a group by default.

The principle it creates for IA: group for efficient information indexing.

Hick’s Law

Also referred to as “Hick–Hyman Law,” Hick’s Law was part of a study in 1952 by psychologists William Hick and Ray Hyman. It demonstrates a parallel between the time we need to make a decision and the volume/complexity of choices.

The principle it creates for IA: simplify choices to reduce cognitive load.

Selective Attention

This is the process of focusing our attention only on a subset of an array of stimuli. It’s inspired by Donald Broadbent’s “Filter Model” and E.Colin Cherry’s “Cocktail Party Effect.” The Filter Model suggests a bottleneck of information, limiting people’s attention. The Party Effect expands that model. It proposes that we selectively attend to some information, while leaving the rest unattended.

The principle it creates for IA: isolate choices to improve focus and reduce cognitive load.

Applying the Principles

So, we have group, simplify, and isolate. Let’s visualize how these apply to information architecture, specifically in the context of a navigation system.

A grid of 70 boxes with ten columns and seven rows, each with its own label of a type of fruit. They are all gray.
Fig 1

The grid in Fig 1 represents a flat/unstructured information set of 70 fruit varieties. In the context of a website this translates as 70 links to 70 pages. So we have some work to do to streamline the information-seeking process.

Referencing our list of principles we can begin with Law of Proximity to group our fruits:

A grid of 70 boxes with ten columns and seven rows, each with its own color and label. Columns one through four are green with the names of apples. Column five is purple with the names of melons. Columns six through eight are gold with the names of oranges. Columns nine and ten are red with the names of berries.
Fig 2

This alone is a big leap towards digestibility. Fig 2 represents how we group our information into smaller segments. Instead of 70 fruits we now have 4 groups of fruits: apples, melons, oranges, and berries.

While we’ve made great strides, we still have 70 links to 70 pages. Our brains will use excessive cognitive energy to process this. So we need to build a navigation model that references Hick’s Law. This helps us simplify how many choices are available:

Grid of four boxes, each with its own color and label: apples in green, melons in purple, oranges in gold, and berries in red.
Fig 3

Fig 3 demonstrates how we minimize the 4 groups of 70 pages by consolidating each group into a single data point. As a navigation structure this reduces our total choices from 70 to 4: a 94% reduction in choices!

This system presents content in layers, displaying one segment at a time. The four category labels serve as efficient pre-filters. It’s clear that “melons” will lead to information about varieties.

Once we’ve targeted a group, we can use Selective Attention to isolate an information set:

A grid with one large box aside seven smaller boxes taking up the same height. The large box represents a passage of text with the headline 'melons.' The small boxes represent a navigation list with the names of seven types of melons.
Fig 4

Apples, oranges, and berries can remain unattended while we focus on melons. But they’re still within reach as a simplified set of labels (Hick’s Law), with their varieties tucked away in their own isolated navigation sets. I call this “local navigation,” meaning it’s localized to the content in the immediate branch of the IA.


Navigation design and information architecture must work together to reduce friction. This system makes large volumes of information digestible and focused. It’s designed to remove clutter and decrease cognitive load.

Understanding these three principles will help you pave simple paths for information seekers.

#InformationArchitecture #IA #Navigation #Design #UXLaws #UX #Psychology


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