from thaison

Same for advice. Often we draw from our own experiences and it doesn't apply to everyone. When we offer advice for others, how much of it is actually to help them, how much of it is to help us feel our beliefs confirmed? Any advice worth listening to doesn't come from someone who offers it indiscriminately and regularly.


from Maintenant tu sais

Les cornucopiens sont là! Et ça ne date pas d'hier. Ils se fondent dans la masse. Et peut-être que certains d'entre nous le sont à l'insu de leur plein gré. Le cornucopianisme n'est pas une maladie orpheline, auto-immune ou induite par quelque parasite tropical. Non, le cornucopianisme c'est une croyance selon laquelle les limites de la nature ne résistent pas au génie humain. La technologie comme LA solution aux problèmes environnementaux. La voiture électrique comme le seul moyen d'atteindre les objectifs climatiques imposés au secteur des transports.

La productivité du sol peut être indéfiniment accrue par la mobilisation du capital, du travail et de la science (Friedrich Engels).

Mais comment en est-on arrivé à croire dur comme fer que les ressources pouvaient être éliminées de l'équation? Mais par une simple substitution pardi!

Si le progrès technique a permis de remplacer le travail humain par du capital technique (les machines) alors il est possible de remplacer la nature par du capital artificiel car la nature est une sous-catégorie du capital.

Pour faire simple il suffit d'accroître la disponibilité des ressources naturelles et de remplacer celles qui sont épuisées par de nouvelles ressources – comme, par exemple, l'énergie nucléaire – ; le tout étant rendu possible par les progrès technologiques.

S'il est vrai que notre capacité à exploiter les ressources naturelles s'est améliorée au cours du temps; cette dernière a généré des flux de matière et d'énergie que la nature n'est plus en mesure d'assimiler.

L'urgence climatique et écologique nous met face à une question fondamentale: celle de la légitimité de cette fuite en avant technologique. Remplacer les insectes pollinisateurs par des robots ne résoudra pas le problème; il faut sortir de notre conservatisme technologique et élargir le débat.

En 1798 déjà un économiste anglais, Thomas Maltus, émettait l'idée que les ressources naturelles étaient un facteur limitant de l'expansion.

Pour croire qu’une croissance matérielle infinie est possible sur une planète finie, il faut être fou ou économiste (Kenneth Boulding).

Source: Aurélien Boutaud, Les cornucopiens sont parmi nous ! Mais qui sont-ils ?,

#environnement #mtts

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from Lastige Gevallen in de Rede

Afstaan van royalties, graven, her togen, konin genen, koning innen, pr ins en princesten.. de adel standaard

voorbeeldig gedrag..

Hij had alle koppen twee keer geteld maar kwam 2 munten tekort, ééntje had twee koppen die was twee keer geteld zonder munt, dus er ontbrak maar 1 munt en dat viel binnen de vastgestelde marge. Blij toe nu kon de koop doorgaan, de bruidschat voldeed. De ouders waren tevreden met deze minimale liefdes bijdrage want dit betekende dat de zoon een gierige jonkers dochter huwde. Dit kon een rendabele huwelijksovereenkomst worden, een samensmelting tussen twee vergelijkbare bloedlijnen, identieke behoeften daarin van nature opgeslagen. Hoe heerlijk zakelijk zo'n verbinding in de echt, aan toonder. Ieder familiegeslacht zijn aandeel, de naam in akten bewaard, het succes van deze overeenkomst voor eeuwig te herleiden tot hun naam dankzij de administratie van kerk en overheid. Beiden ook de bron, de pit van de huwelijksvrucht, de echt makers van de connectie tussen connecties, het smeden van familie banden. Dit ontbreken van die ene munt en de vervalste tweekoppige was geen misdaad maar een heilige missie daad, een teken dat twee families bij elkaar passen zoals een aandeel past bij een onderneming. De eerdere ondernemingen van zijn andere zoon en dochter waren tot op heden geen succes. Ze baarden zorgen in plaats van winstgevende vruchten, daarvoor sluit je geen langdurige contracten, je moet er op vooruitgaan. De bruidschat van zijn oudste zoon was toch hoog en toch met gemak voldaan zelfs met een flinke bonus, een aanwinst voor de stal. Het aangeschafte geslacht was echter niet zo vermogend als ze leken te zijn op het moment van aankoop. Het was duidelijk dat ze voor dit huwelijk meer onderzoek hadden moeten doen voorafgaande aan de merger, een goede les.

De dochter was een flinke investering in de toekomst geweest, eentje die zich nog moest terug betalen. Had ze maar meteen een zoon gebaard dan was iedereen nu al tevreden, een behouden familielijn is een groot goed. Ze moesten nog zes maanden wachten voor ze met zekerheid konden zeggen dat deze verbinding zijn vruchten afwerpt. Al met al is het ook zo slecht nog niet, hun dochter had bewezen dat ze de lasten dragen kon en toonde bereidheid om haar plichten te voldoen, zoiets is goed voor de familienaam. De andere afstammelingen van de graaf werden daardoor ook gewilder, zeker die afkomstig van het eerste contract. Het zou makkelijker worden aan de overleg tafel, hogere schatten konden worden gevraagd en er zou aan worden voldaan. Hij had nog twee kandidaten over geboren uit die eerste overeenkomst, beiden al bijna huwbaar, de ene twaalf de andere elf, bijna klaar voor het echte werk. Als de eerste nou maar een zoon verwekte dan zouden die twee anderen als warme broodjes over de toonbank gaan.

Natuurlijk waren er ook dingen mogelijk dankzij de andere afgesloten contracten, onder en boven de tafel, echter allen op naam van de graaf, de meer onverkwikkelijke zaken in de minne geschikt, met een beetje goede wil de papieren aangepast dankzij de welwillendheid van klerken. De graaf deed niets liever dan werken aan succes, hij was dan ook een vermogend man met vele talenten. Met die charmes bereikte hij veel, vooral bij minder vermogende en talentloze mensen, ondergeschikten. Hij kocht zich in, een weg naar binnen, drukte door, hij perste, worstelde zich een weg naar boven, richting hooizolders met die bijzondere charmes hem geschonken dankzij de welwillendheid van diezelfde onderdanen waarmee hij zo graag samenwerkte.

De bloedlijn van de graaf was inmiddels overal wel te zien en voelen niet alleen binnen de lijnen van het graafschap. Dat was een bijkomend voordeel van die toegenomen echt verbindingen, de uitbreiding van het werkgebied, het voordeel van kolonialisatie. De toenemende invloed in den lande dankzij deze uitgekiemde strategie, het zaaigoed.

.. en hier hou ik op met dit verhaal maar dat wil niet zeggen dat dit verhaal ten einde komt omdat ik dat wil

ons geschiedenis

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So far something of a wash-out Summer, dawn to dusk rains, the garden a soggy sink of bog-lets. Muddy bootprints daily caking doormats. At least no fear of water scarcity this year. No need to save and recycle every drop. The groundwater level rising ever so slightly. The well holding steady measure.

▽ | #journal


from thaison

Can't fault someone for not having the mental capacity or access to information to draw the right conclusions, which is the majority of the population. It takes a certain personality to think the world is out to get them, enough that makes them spend more time than reasonable to thrive in conflicts. Because most of us have other hobbies too. Normally they are the ones who are blind to the real reasons behind the actions and sublimate grievance to activism.


from The happy place

I didn’t sleep this night, but I’m alive.

I did try, but first I got some asthma coughs which woke me up like a fancy type of reminder to take the medicine. Furthermore my wife was snoring in such a way that it sounded just like the cat wanted out. But there was no cat when I got down to see, instead I saw that it was bright outside.

The beginning of a nice day.

Then finally a few hours later indeed the cat did want to go out and it sounded just like it did before.


Now instead of sleeping I’m thinking about a lot of stuff like I’m thinking about all of the stuff at the same time again. Happy thoughts mingled with worries and sad ones like a mix of so many different things, more like a sausage than a fruit salad.

Anyhow I’ve not much more to say; no great revelations or profound wisdoms to share unfortunately.

Now I’ll go try again to sleep, with the birds chirping and all of the bright light everywhere and the head I am not too sure I’ll succeed.

Probably I’ll fall asleep sooner or later

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from @rheumiemama

The life and Legacy of Jhilke Bahadur ( a tribute) :

Today, I thought of you more than usual , only to realize it has been exactly a month since you’ve been gone. A month sans your meows, your cuddles and wet kisses . After 17 years…it all feels empty and lackluster.

Life goes on as it always does. They say grief never fully goes away. I recently read a poem that described this heartbreak being akin to carrying rocks in your pocket . As the days and weeks go by, it feels lighter. However, the grief doesn’t diminish or dissipate , nor do the memories fade … you just grow stronger.

You were there from the first year of marital life (the luxurious pre kid years), the years of grueling training, exams, presentations, sleepless nights , the hopes , dreams and changing career paths . You watched us struggle as new parents and braced yourself as we added more fury family members. You waited for us at the window sill all day and sometimes all night when we worked those 80 hour weeks . You would sleep curled up on my chest or nestled under the curve of my arm . You had us wrapped around your little paws and we fed and played with you on demand. You faced the constant cries of newborns , mischievous toddlers’ antics and yet were so patient and forgiving and still loved on. You were always their favorite! You got us through it all… 8 moves and 4 states, a devastating hurricane, rebuilding our lives when it should have been your peaceful retirement in the sunshine state .

You were my spirit animal / soulmate if there is such a thing. I believe there is. Everyone knew how strong our bond was and fretted at how devastated I would be losing you. It devastated all of us. I will fondly remember your favorite treats of cream cheese , Cheetos , and whipped cream which you begged for 24/7. Murphy and soaltee capitalized on it big time. You never failed to sit smack on the center of the keyboard while we worked on our laptops. Your passionate purrs had healing powers-I am certain of this. You had at least a dozen names of endearment. I never knew animals could be so expressive. We would laugh with wonder when you would sulk and turn your hind side at us due to lack of perceived attention. I will never forget the nights I would cry holding you, burying my sorrow into your comforting softness nor the moments of pure joy dancing with you in my arms . You knew it all…my deepest darkest fears and secrets. Some days I feel sorry for myself and selfishly lament how there is one less being in this world now who loves me. But isn’t it the truth? I loved you dearly too but you knew that already. I told you every day.

I can still clearly visualize your perfectly symmetrical handsome face with those beautiful big green eyes . I still find myself looking for you in your favorite spots throughout the house. You always chose the best spots. I still find myself waiting for your company when everyone is finally asleep . That was our quality uninterrupted time. Now soaltee follows me everywhere.

I sense your presence in soaltee’s purs, in the soft kissable spot behind her ears and in every cat video I devour. This world doesn’t allow us to grieve our pets losses. Nor does everyone understand the invaluable connection pets and humans have. I am grateful that you are no longer suffering . You were our family. Your loss has left a void that will never be filled.

Thank you to the little kitten who stole our hearts , ever so playful and affectionate . You gave us your whole life…. your best years . We couldn’t have chosen a better first fur baby. We just know you are chasing butterflies and will be our forever angel in heaven !


from Diotima After Dark

Vul sits on the sofa, flipping through the options on Netflix or whatever while I scribble out the last of a draft of an article I’ve said I’d write. Whatever it is, I’m bored with it and just… distracted. It’s just… look, Vul is hot, okay? Like properly hot. Like, sometimes it’s hard to concentrate hot. She’s just, you know, she just exists in a space and I’ll be like, low grade wanting her, I don’t know if it’s because she’s part fae or just because she’s just, her, but sometimes I just…

Okay, okay. Story. Right.

So I glance over and I can tell she’s just killing time, feet stretched out, propped on a cushion, looking bored with the telly. Or maybe that’s just what I’m telling myself, so I don’t feel bad about interrupting her. Because I am going to interrupt her.

Shifting on the couch awkwardly I straddle her legs, offering an awkward “Hi” as I lower myself to sit in her lap, legs folded under me, tail swishing lazily, half smiling.

“Oh!” Vul says, a little bit startled. “Hello!”

“Hn. Hi.” I repeat, a hand sliding behind her head, me leaning forward to kiss her. I’ve been wanting to do this all evening. “Hi. Hello.” I giggle a little, a little shuddery thing, and lean back in to kiss her again.

Vul leans into the kiss, the tip of her tongue in my mouth, her hands on my hips, one hand under her shirt, pressing her into the back of the sofa. She breaks the kiss, pulling the neck of my shirt away so she can kiss… no… bite… me in the soft spot where my neck meets my shoulder.

“aaah!” I inhale, sharply, the feeling of her teeth on me… invigorating. My tail curls lazily around her calf, my hand finding the hem of her shirt, slipping under as my eyes close, enjoying the sting of the bite. I love this… a fleeting thought, ‘I hope she marks me so people can see,’ causing me to flush.

I’ve begun rocking my hips, subtly, though I’ve not realized it. Vul… intuitive, sensual, empathic Vul… is unbuttoning my jeans. I shiver, leaning forward to kiss her again, anticipating-

“Why’d you have to wear those?” She says, laughing quietly, access denied by the dastardly denim. “For fuck’s sake.”

-well, fuck.

“…? Gods damn it.” I exclaim, softly. Half standing, half stumbling to my feet, I laugh. “It’s not like I planned this!” I say as I wiggle out of my jeans. “I dunno, I like these, they’re comfy.”

“Your comfy cock block jeans.” She teases.

I rolls my eyes, laughing again. “Whatever, they’re off now.” Kneeling, I hook my fingertips around the waistband of her leggings, tugging them off as well, my mind going in all sorts of directions, all sorts of ideas flitting about. I’d intended to return to my perch, but… hm. No. Not yet.

Fingertips, tracing gentle lines along her thighs, teasing, working their way slowly upward, inward…

(To be continued)


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from thaison

Transactional Kindness

Being both popular and hated in junior high offered me many interesting interactions.

I don't think I have trust issue, or at least I don't understand what that means. Making judgments is evolution 101. And being unable to trust becomes dysfunctional only when you alienate yourself, and not just because you don't have the same interests with other people.

The reason I hesitate to accept help is, most of the time, people are dishonest about their intentions, even without their own knowledge.

Why do you think parents with over self-sacrificing tendencies also often push too hard their children to academic success? Why do you think “activists” spend 2 minutes of critical thinking to tell you to believe someone because of their gender or a mental illness they have? Why do you think someone wants to hang out with you because they think you should come out of your shell? Why do you think someone's altruistic business ideas often line up with what profits them the most?

Selfishness is not the problem. The problem is the denial of it. And when someone denies selfish stakes in their offers to help, any actions will be justified. What comes out of it is parents' refusal of their kids to be anything less than successful. “Activists” happily destroy someone's career. “Activists” happily “validate” someone's destruction because they are too busy being kind to read the materials. “Activists” happily spread nonsense because they are too busy being hyper empathetic to think about the consequences. (Mentioned them 3 times for personal beefs.) “Friends” are disappointed that you refuse their “help” to become someone else. And business owners are more than willing to destroy someone's life because their cause is for the good already so just get over it.

Actually I only spend 10 minutes a day being bitter and the rest is relatively happy. Because I do have hope and I met reasonable people all the time. But I won't agree with the whole “we shouldn't be judgemental” or “let's spread kindness everywhere”.

And I can accept your kindness, but you will have to tell me your selfish desires first.


from Roscoe's Story

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 08:50 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: We have great difficulty in placing all things under the eyes of God, under the eyes of the faith; seeing things the way they are, and not the way we think they are. Once again, we live in an illusion. If we truly saw things the way God sees them, the way the holy angels see them, the way our guardian angel sees them, the way the elect in Heaven see them, we would be dumbstruck. • 09:05 – July 24, 2024: Was the Eucharistic Congress a Bigger Sensation Than Deathpods – Canon212 • 12:00 – the Angelus • 12:30 – Meditation and Prayer for Thursday of this Ninth Week after Pentecost from The Light of The World. • 16:45 – Today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. • 18:00 – the Angelus • 19:15 – Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity.

Health Metrics: • bw= 226.50 lbs. • bp= 145/76 (67)

Diet: • 05:30 – 1 banana, ½ pb&j sandwich • 07:50 – snack on fig newtons • 10:00 – cottage cheese • 11:00 – 1 bean&cheese breakfast taco • 14:00 – meatloaf and white bread

Chores, etc.: • 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 05:50 – bank accounts activity monitored • 07:20 – A SHOCKING Report About Trump’s Shooter? – The Liz Wheeler Show, Ep. 3 • 08:15 – Extra Fearless with Jason Whitlock • 10:30 – listening to the Washington Nationals Pregame Show ahead of their early game vs the San Diego Padres • 11:15 – switched over to the Baltimore Orioles vs the Miami Marlins • 13:00 – tuned into the Texas Rangers Pregame Show ahead of their afternoon game vs the Chicago White Sox • 16:00 – local news and weather, then following news reports from various sources • 19:00 – listen to relaxing music

Chess: 11:10 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Thursday, 2024-07-25 ~19:30 #DLJUL2024


from Non-Monetized Together #svalien

So now that Nonmonetized Together is affiliated with the decadeology community, I’ve found it fit to write this article about older members who dismiss younger members’ perspectives. Some of the older members’ complaints don’t apply to younger people so it doesn’t make sense to tell the youth that their perspective is wrong.

This article could also be relevant to non-decadeologists if they participate in other online communities. But my examples in this article will be related to decadeology.

For example, the argument that “you can’t pin an era range down to a month” is ignorant of contemporary technology.

Back in the 90s, yes, this was true because only newsworthy events were documented. But you couldn’t track developing attitudes, cultural movements, and trends because these things evolved through mundane activities such as attendings events, talking to people, and buying things. Or to give even a more mundane example, just having a thought. Sometimes we have thoughts that change the way we live our lives.

But now these “unassuming” signs of cultural development are tracked on social media and timestamped down to the minute. Because of this, we can now follow the development of stories like the Capital storming or the ChatGPT developments in real time. Or we can see how political narratives develop. All of this is possible with the help of advanced search functions, trending feeds, and data such as Google Trends. This approach is used by KnowYourMeme to track memes and, yes, news stories as well.

Then there will be oldheads who will look at a thread that’s done in the style of “decadeology anarchy” and respond, “you sound weird even asking that question.” Which I would think most young users would already know, except maybe the very youngest users. The older members don’t see how the Internet has become the perfect spot for niche communities to form, and how newer niche communities differ from older ones.

Non-mainstream online communities have been a thing for as long as the Internet existed, but they really became a lot more commonplace and sustainable in the past few years. Now we’re at the point where it’s hard to even tell what counts as mainstream and what counts as underground. Everybody’s their own bubble. You couldn’t say that back in 2004.

Plus even the niche communities in the early days of the Internet were kind of uniform because most of them would consist of news, debates, artwork, surveys, rants, memes, discussions of the site itself, and an off-topic section. They could all be somewhat recognizable to outsiders.

Whereas here in 2024, the Internet could gather enough people to start r/decadeologyanarchy, a niche of a niche where people are free to abandon social conventions completely and make posts that would sound strange in real-life conversation, like year-by-year breakdowns or “images that give them the same vibes as 2014.”

So when you say, “that’s not a sane discussion topic,” you should know that this is the very reason that you’re seeing it on Reddit and not offline or on websites their IRL friends would see. This is also why the decadeology anarchy posts are appropriate for Nonmonetized Together, because it’s an environment where you can create your own social norms.

Then you have the comments that accuse people of being subjective. Like, they often show up whenever the community does year comparisons, or when they make a post about how good a year was, or when they make a post about how bad a year was.

People fail to realize that the whole point of decadeology is to be subjective — that’s the difference between decadeology and history. It’s interesting to see other people’s personal subjective perspectives because we get to learn how they experience the world over the years.

So I am interested in the older members’ personal perspectives but it’s not fair to use that to attack other people’s perspectives. They’re no less biased than anybody else.

This article is also available at

#Internet #GettingOlder #OnlineCommunity #Decadeology #Reddit

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from Telmina's notes









best quality,8k, realistic, masterpiece, RAW photo, Many tall Japanese voluptuous short-haired intelligent beautiful girls with inexpressive faces are walking in the city in the cloudy day.

This image is created by NMKD Stable Diffusion GUI.

#2024年 #2024年7月 #2024年7月26日 #ひとりごと #雑談 #仕事 #無気力 #プレミアムフライデー


from Kroeber

#001785 – 25 de Julho de 2024

Sétimo dia. Ontem algo que comi fez-me mal. Passei a noite a vomitar. Fiquei mais um dia em Pitões das Júnias, de cama. Ainda não comi, porque pensar nisso me dá a volta ao estômago. Sair do alojamento também não me atraiu, por outro motivo, mais estranho, que nem sei bem explicar. Acho que gosto muito mais do mar, de horizonte, do que de montanha e aldeia. A ideia de sair para a rua, assim tão vulnerável, numa aldeia, mexeu comigo a fez-me, ainda mais, ficar fechado entre paredes. Vou agora tentar comer e esticar as pernas. E amanhã terei de ir embora.

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from Phil Rowlands

Hello, my friends!

Today, I want to share with you a powerful message about transformation in our Christian walk. As believers, we are called to put off the old and put on the new – to exchange our grave clothes for grace clothes. This isn't just about behaviour modification; it's about embracing our new identity in Christ and allowing His life to shine through us.

Friends, picture a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. The transformation from caterpillar to butterfly is complete, yet sometimes the butterfly struggles to break free from the remnants of its old shell. In those moments, it might be tempted to remain in the familiar confines of the chrysalis, even though it's designed for a new life of flight. In the same way, when we come to Christ, we're given a new nature – we're transformed from the inside out. But sometimes, we can find ourselves still clinging to the remnants of our old self – habits and behaviours that don't reflect our new life in Jesus. Just as the butterfly must break free to experience the full beauty of its transformation, we need to shed our old ways and embrace the freedom and potential of our new identity in Christ.

The apostle Paul addresses this beautifully in Ephesians 4. He urges us to “put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:22-24). This isn't about striving in our own strength, but about living out the reality of who we already are in Christ.

Let's look at some practical examples Paul gives us. He says, “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbour” (Ephesians 4:25). Lying and deceit belong to our old nature, but as new creations in Christ, we're called to walk in truth. Jesus Himself said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). When we embrace our identity in Him, truthfulness becomes our natural expression.

Paul goes on to address anger, saying, “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil” (Ephesians 4:26-27). Uncontrolled anger is part of our old nature, but in Christ, we have the fruit of the Spirit, which includes patience and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). We're empowered to deal with our emotions in a way that reflects God's character.

Friends, consider how Paul addresses the issue of stealing: “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labour, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need” (Ephesians 4:28). Notice how he doesn't just say “stop stealing,” but he provides a positive alternative – working honestly and being generous. This is a key principle in putting off the old and putting on the new. We don't just stop negative behaviours; we replace them with Christlike actions.

The same principle applies to our speech. Paul exhorts us, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29). Our words have the power to bring life or death (Proverbs 18:21). As believers, we're called to use our speech to edify others and impart grace.

Now, you might be wondering, “How do I actually do this? How do I put off these old habits and put on the new?” It's a great question, and one that many Christians struggle with. Some might suggest a crisis experience, thinking we need a dramatic encounter to break free from old patterns. Others might blame demons for every struggle, seeking deliverance as the solution. Still others might advocate for self-affliction or a passive “let go and let God” approach.

But friends, Paul gives us a different way. He says, “But that is not the way you learned Christ!” (Ephesians 4:20). The key is not in our own efforts or in waiting passively, but in truly knowing and embracing who we are in Christ. We don't need to manufacture new behaviours; we need to put on the new self that God has already given us in Christ.

This is radically different from mere moralism or behaviour modification. We're not just trying to clean up our act; we're living out of a new nature. As Paul says in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

The beautiful truth is that in Christ, we have everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). When we struggle with impatience, we can remember that we have the patience of Christ within us. When we battle with impure thoughts, we can affirm that we have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). When we're tempted to be stingy, we can recall that we have the generous nature of Christ, who though He was rich, for our sake became poor (2 Corinthians 8:9).

Here's a powerful secret: the way to put off the old is to focus on putting on the new. As Paul says, “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16). It's like the way new leaves on a tree naturally push off the old ones. As we embrace and live out our new identity in Christ, the old patterns naturally fall away.

Friends, this journey of transformation isn't about striving harder or beating ourselves up over our failures. It's about believing and living out the truth of who we are in Christ. As we do this, we'll find ourselves naturally laying aside “every weight, and sin which clings so closely” and running with endurance the race set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2).

In Colossians 3:9-10, Paul writes, “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” Notice the tense here – it's not something we're waiting to do, but something that has already happened in Christ. Our job now is to live out this reality.

Think about it like this: when you get dressed in the morning, you don't focus on taking off your pyjamas. Your attention is given to putting on your new clothes for the day. In the same way, our focus shouldn't be on constantly battling against our old nature, but on putting on Christ and walking in His ways.

This doesn't mean the process is always easy or instant. Paul uses the phrase “being renewed” in Colossians 3:10, indicating an ongoing process. But the key is that God is the one doing the renewing as we fix our eyes on Jesus and walk in the Spirit.

Friends, have you ever noticed how when you're fully engaged in serving others or using your spiritual gifts, you're less likely to fall into old sinful patterns? That's because you can't serve two masters at once. As we give ourselves fully to the things of God, the old ways naturally lose their appeal and power over us.

This is why Paul encourages us in Romans 13:14 to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.” It's a proactive approach. We don't just try not to sin; we actively pursue Christ and His righteousness.

Consider the story of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. When he came out of the tomb, he was still bound in grave clothes. Jesus had to command, “Unbind him, and let him go” (John 11:44). In the same way, though we've been made alive in Christ, we sometimes need help removing the 'grave clothes' of our old life. This is where the body of Christ comes in – we help each other walk in our new identity.

Now, you might be thinking, “But I still struggle with sin. Does this mean I'm not really saved?” Not at all! Remember, Paul himself spoke of his ongoing struggle with sin in Romans 7. The difference is that now, in Christ, we have the power to overcome. We're no longer slaves to sin, but free to choose righteousness.

Friends, it's crucial to understand that this putting off of the old and putting on of the new isn't about earning God's favour. We already have His favour in Christ! It's about living out the reality of who we already are in Him. As we do this, we become a powerful witness to the world of the transforming power of the gospel.

Let me illustrate this with a common scenario many believers face. Consider a Christian who struggles with anger issues. They might try everything – self-help books, anger management techniques, even fasting and prayer. But nothing seems to work long-term. It's not until they truly grasp their identity in Christ – that they are loved, accepted, and complete in Him – that things begin to change. As they focus on putting on Christ's patience and love, the anger issues begin to fade. It's not an overnight change, but a gradual transformation as they learn to walk in their new identity. This process exemplifies how understanding our position in Christ and actively putting on the new self can lead to lasting change in areas where we once felt defeated.

Be blessed today, my brothers and sisters. Remember that you are a new creation in Christ. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). Embrace your new identity, put on your grace clothes, and watch as God's life shines through you in ways you never thought possible. May you walk worthy of the calling to which you have been called, fully clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Let the reality of who you are in Jesus permeate every aspect of your life, transforming you from the inside out. As you do, you'll find that the old grave clothes simply don't fit anymore, and you'll delight in wearing the beautiful garments of grace that Christ has provided.


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from Roscoe's Quick Notes

Rook-Pawn Checkmate

I won this Correspondence Chess game a few hours ago playing White when I caught the Black King with a Rook-Pawn Combination Checkmate.

posted Thursday, 2024-07-25 ~11:40 #QNJUL2024 #chess


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