from scraps of poetry and madness

When you drop all ideas about pleasure causing happiness and pain causing suffering, then you can find happiness where you might expect to feel pain and you can see how certain pleasures can lead to certain suffering. When you pay attention to your actual feelings rather than what you might expect to feel, you will surprise yourself.

Source: Pleasure, Pain and Happiness

#morncomp #quotes


from chaosorc

He sat at the table with the beach towels, hat on backwards, pale legs with long black hairs, ugly toenails in need of a trim, gross callouses, feet too red. His sunglasses on the bill of the cap facing backwards, she sometimes thought it was him looking at her but he was facing out the window, watching the car. Probably worried about the cooler full of ice and drinks in the back of his convertible.

He finished his icy green tea concoction and left the frisbee on the table where he had been sitting to save his spot.

Pardon, milady

Stop it, Dash.

She smiled and looked straight at him, his face slathered with suntan lotion, nose white.

Please ma'am, may I have another

He held his empty cup and shook the milky ice.

You may, she took it from him

He leaned backwards on the counter, his sunglasses hat watched her make the drink.

When she returned she set it on the counter and it hissed, he turned around, why thank you, and he performed a wide flourish, long lanky arms, tan and greasy with sunblock, the smell of it hit her.

I made it special for you

Did you, his eyes widened

I spit in it


He scooped it up and gulped, staring at her with one eye, then licked his lips before wiping it on the back of his arm.


She squinted, grinning and pleased, I knew it

They got to the beach and it was night.

We're not supposed to park here at night, the beach has hours


What if they check

It's after eight everyone is asleep

Why did you let me sleep

Why did you let me smoke


Yeah, only the lucky left

For me

He smiled at her and they hopped the speedbump.

The air was cool, his hair had been pulled out from under the hat on the drive, she snatched it from his head when they stopped and stuck it under the seat.

He got out and picked up the cooler, slung its strap over his neck and waited for her to exit the vehicle, arms full of towels and a bag and her purse.

That was a long fucking shift

He pressed the button on his keys and the car chirped.

They walked together to the beach and went a ways further, the water was warm on their ankles.

He set down the cooler and panted, she rolled out the towel in the moonlight. They sat together and he popped open a couple of beers, handing one across to her.

She cupped her hand and lit the cigarette and they passed it back and forth silently, the beach wind carrying their hair, towels and clothing fluttering.



Why do you think they do it

Because someone else did it to them

He kissed her shoulder.

She handed him the cigarette and when he took a drag she kissed his shoulder.

Can we not

He handed it back and she paused, looked from the cigarette to his face to make sure he was being serious for once.

There were tears in his eyes.

Let's not

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from Quick Tip Tuesday

E2E Encryption is an abbreviation for End to End Encryption.

Usually used when referring to messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Signal, and Messenger, it means that your messages are encrypted from your device to your recipient's device. WhatsApp / Signal / Facebook are unable to read the messages in transit.

For now, anyway. Lawmakers in the EU are attempting to force tech companies to include backdoors, allowing them to view all messages. Stay tuned.


from Michael OpenInsights

Se você está lendo esta postagem possivelmente está fazendo isso na nova plataforma de blogging que estou utilizando. Antes de mais nada quero deixar claro que isto não é um post publicitário e nem se quer a hospedagem grátis estou ganhando (mas bem que poderia ein

Anyway, irei falar por vontade própria os motivos que me fizeram primeiramente migrar de uma solução desenvolvida por mim para uma solução específica de blogging. Quais foram as plataformas que analisei e finalmente porque escolhi ficar com aqui estou atualmente utilizando.

O que motivou a migração?

Bom, recentemente comentei lá na minha conta do fediverse que faziam alguns anos desde que tinha desenvolvido aquela versão do meu site onde além de ter oficialmente minha presença digital eu também poderia publicar alguns posts de vez em quando.

Para construir aquele site, utilizei NuxtJS como framework gerador de páginas estaticas, o Nuxt por sua vez utiliza o VueJS para a construição dos componentes e como lib CSS utilizei Bulma. Além disso, adicionei alguns módulos extras disponibilizados pela comunidade ou pelo team core do Nuxt, exemplo:

  • Nuxt-Content: módulo git-based que usava como CMS para as postagens
  • Sitemap: módulo para ativar funcionalidade de sitemap
  • SEO: módulo que deixava o site mais seo-friendly
  • Feed: módulo para gerar RSS das postagens
  • i18n: módulo para adicionar deixar o site em mais de um idioma

Essa configuração me atendeu muito bem, inclusive poderia continuar usando sem problema algum, até porque por ser tudo estático conseguia hospedar grátis e sem burocracias de fazer a gestão da infra e tinha a liberdade de poder mexer em tudo que eu quisesse. Mas como diz o tio ben “with great power comes great responsibility”

Essa liberdade de poder customizar cada detalhe é maravilhosa, o problema é que demanda tempo, seja procurando uma solução pronta para adicionar a funcionalidade desejada ou eu mesmo tendo que desenvolver ou integrar. As vezes coisas simples como um form para subscrição de newsletter ou algo mais complexo como um bot que publica as novas postagens na minha conta no Fediverse. E apesar de eu gostar bastante de fazer isso, infelizmente agora estou com o tempo limitado.

Outra coisa que acabei negligenciando ao longo deste período foram as atualizações das ferramentas que estava utilizando. Recentemente tive que fazer um ajuste e para isso tive que compilar o projeto numa versão antiga do NodeJs. Migrar o código para as versões mais atualizadas das principais bibliotecas que uso, preciso de uma certa curva de aprendizado para entender o que mudou, quais são as novidades e como posso migrar sem quebrar nada. Foi isso que me levou a considerar migrar para uma solução pronta de blogging e de preferência open-source.

Quais foram as outras opções analizadas?

De um tempo para cá tem surgidos muitas alternativas no mercado, algumas boas e outras nem tanto, e após testar algumas funcionalidades e analisar outros critérios de algumas plataformas de blogging (ou às vezes até mais do que isso) acabei pré-selecionando 3.


Uma plataforma de blogging voltada especialmente para desenvolvedores, que oferece uma série de funcionalidades atraentes:

  • Domínio Personalizado
  • Suporte a markdown e sintaxe para códigos
  • Integração com GitHub para postagem dos posts
  • Newsletter e E-mails
  • Interatividade com a comunidade, no Hashnode, é possível interagir com outros desenvolvedores, seguir tags de interesse, participar de desafios de escrita e até mesmo receber feedback direto de sua comunidade através de comentários e reações nos artigos.
  • Monetização

Não cheguei de fato a testar as funcionalidades do Hashnode, tinha tudo que precisava e o foco para desenvolvedores tinha muito fit com o que procurava, mas não me chamou muito a atenção da pegada social-like e não ser um projeto open-source também me deixou desmotivado. Por esses motivos acabei desistindo.


Eu lembro quando os primeiros releases do Ghost começaram a fazer barulho entre a comunidade JavaScript lá para 2014, ou seja, é uma plataforma que vem se provando ao longo do tempo, o que é bom. Além de ser open-source é projetada para otimizar o processo de escrita e distribuição de conteúdo online.

  • SEO e Social Media Optimization
  • Editor Markdown
  • Monetização Integrada
  • Newsletter e E-mails
  • Customização e Extensibilidade

Eu estava praticamente decidindo usar o Ghost, quando um “simples” fator do concorrente a seguir fez a diferença. Suporte a ActivityPub para fazer parte do ecossistema do fediverse.

Um fato curioso enquanto estou escrevendo essa postagem é que no dia 22 de abril o projeto anunciou suporte ao ActivityPub e os detalhes podem ser encontrados em


O WriteFreely é uma plataforma de código aberto focada em privacidade e simplicidade, projetada para escritores que desejam publicar seus pensamentos em um ambiente minimalista e sem distrações. Ela é descentralizada e federada, o que significa que pode se comunicar com outras plataformas usando o protocolo ActivityPub. Além disso é altamente personalizável e pode ser auto-hospedado.

Vou listar os pontos que mais me chamaram a atenção do Writefreely:

Simplicidade e Foco na Escrita

A plataforma oferece uma interface minimalista que prioriza a experiência de escrita, eliminando distrações e focando no conteúdo e com suporte a Markdown para formatação de texto.

Instalações Múltiplas e Comunidade

WriteFreely pode ser configurado para uso pessoal (single-user) ou como uma plataforma comunitária (multi-user), onde várias pessoas podem criar e gerenciar seus próprios blogs sob uma única instância.

Facilidade de Distribuição de Conteúdo

O suporte de RSS e a integração com outras plataformas para fazer cross-posting, por exemplo em uma instância do Ghost, simplifica a publicação de conteúdo. Facilitando a exportação de textos e a distribuição em diferentes canais.

Open Source e Customizável

Como uma plataforma de código aberto, WriteFreely permite que qualquer um modifique ou personalize o código. Isso é ideal pois temos a liberdade para adaptar o sistema às nossas próprias exigências de funcionalidade ou integração.

Suporte ao Fediverse

Utilizando o protocolo ActivityPub, WriteFreely permite que blogs se integrem com o fediverse, o que significa que posts podem ser seguidos e compartilhados através de diferentes plataformas federadas como Mastodon, Pleroma, e outros.


Agora vem a cereja do bolo, que é a privacidade. Além da simplicidade, fácil customização o WriteFreely se preocupa com a privacidade, não rastreia os leitores e oferece opções para blogs completamente anônimos ou privados, garantindo que os usuários possam controlar quem vê seus conteúdos.

Veredito final

A natureza open-source do WriteFreely, juntamente com seu design que prioriza a privacidade e simplicidade, fez com que fosse uma escolha interessante para mim.

Como mencionei no início do texto, estava procurando uma solução que facilite a maneira de publicar conteúdo e principalmente que me poupasse tempo. Assim como o que é a versão hospedada e gerenciada do projeto open-source, o WriteFreely possui o e outros serviços também interessantes.

O é o serviço pago que fornece as mesmas funcionalidades do WriteFreely permitindo aos usuários escrever e publicar conteúdo com facilidade, oferecendo uma experiência de escrita e publicação eficiente e discreta.

Os assinantes do também possuem acesso ao, um serviço de hospedagem de fotos que se integra diretamente com, facilitando aos usuários a inclusão de imagens em seus posts ou em qualquer outro lugar. Um substituto perfeito para o imgur.

Para quem busca manter um blog colaborativo, o facilita a coleta de escritos, feedback ou outras formas de texto enviado por leitores e colaboradores. Isso pode ser particularmente valioso para publicações que aceitam contribuições externas, concursos de escrita, ou qualquer forma de engajamento colaborativo.

E por último o é uma ferramenta que adiciona funcionalidades de comentários e comunidade aos blogs no, permitindo discussões e interações mais ricas entre os leitores e o autor.

Essas ferramentas e serviços formam um ecossistema fantástico que somado aos fundamentos que valorizam a simplicidade e a privacidade e a existencia de apps para desktop, mobile e até um CLI. foi o que me chamaram a atenção e me fizeram decidir por dar um voto de confiança pelo menos durantes este ano de 2024.

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from ScienceEquip

Scientists are a curious bunch. They spend their days in labs, peering into microscopes, brewing strange concoctions, and unraveling the mysteries of the universe. But come Christmas, what do you get the person who can identify the phase of the moon by looking out the window? This list of 10 fun and practical gift ideas for scientists is sure to delight even the most lab-coated and respected scientist in your life.

The Science of Booze: A Home Brewing Kit

This unique gift idea for scientists lets them brew their own beer, combining science with the end product of a refreshing reward. From pale ales to IPAs, stouts to sours, there's a beer style for every palate. Remember, science is best enjoyed responsibly, so don't forget to throw in a growler or two for good measure.

Light Up Their Lab Bench: A Lab Lamp with Style

Let's face it, most lab lighting is about as exciting as watching paint dry. But that doesn't mean it has to be! A funky lab lamp can add a splash of personality to any workbench, making it a fun and practical gift idea for scientists. Look for options with adjustable arms, groovy colours, or even built-in magnifying glasses for those extra-intricate tasks. Bonus points if you can find one that runs on solar power – sustainable science is the best kind!

Brain Food for Thought: Quirky Science-Themed Mugs

Scientists are notorious for forgetting to eat (and hydrate!), so a fun and functional mug is always a winner. These gift ideas for scientists come in endless science-themed designs, from periodic table patterns to beakers and Bunsen burners. Encourage your scientist to stay fuelled with their favourite brew while keeping their brain cells happy with a quirky science-themed mug.

Pocket-Sized Science: A Field Notebook for the Curious Mind

For scientists who like to take their curiosity on the go, a good field notebook is essential. It's the perfect place to jot down observations, sketch diagrams, and record those sudden “Eureka!” moments that strike in the most unexpected places. Look for notebooks with waterproof paper, plenty of blank pages, and maybe even a handy pen holder – because no scientist wants to lose their precious writing tool in the heat of the moment. This portable journal is a fantastic gift idea for scientists who want to explore the world beyond the lab.

Let There Be Light: A Headlamp for Late-Night Lab Sessions

Scientists are often nocturnal creatures, burning the midnight oil in pursuit of their research. While late-night experiments can be exhilarating, ensuring proper safety and comfort is crucial. A good headlamp can be a lifesaver during these sessions, freeing up their hands for labware and equipment while keeping their workspace perfectly illuminated. Look for headlamps with adjustable brightness, multiple beam options, and comfortable headbands for those long stretches of research. This practical gift idea for scientists ensures they can work safely and efficiently in the wee hours.

Get Techy: A Portable Microscope for On-the-Go Exploration

This is our favourite gift idea for scientists on this list! Microscopes are essential in any scientist's arsenal, but bulky lab microscopes aren't exactly portable. A digital or handheld microscope is a fantastic option for the curious scientist who wants to explore the world at a microscopic level. These handy devices allow you to examine everything from pond water to backyard bugs, opening up a whole new world of discovery. Imagine the exciting possibilities this portable science lab equipment offers!

Dress the Part: Science-Themed Clothes

Let your scientist show off their love of science with pride! Science-themed t-shirts, lab coats, and even socks are a fun way to express their inner nerd. From funny chemistry puns to diagrams of the human body, there's a design to suit every scientific interest. Bonus points if you can find a matching set for the whole lab team! This gift idea for scientists shows appreciation for their passion and lets them wear their love of science on their sleeves (or socks!).

Fuel the Fire: Science-Themed Books and Podcasts

Scientists are always eager to learn more, and what better way to do that than with a good book or podcast? There are endless science-themed options available, covering everything from astrophysics to the inner workings of the human brain. Encourage your scientist to delve deeper into their favourite subjects or explore new areas of curiosity.


from Attronarch's Athenaeum

Swords & Wizardry White Box Rules is a retroclone of Original Dungeons & Dragons limited to the first three booklets: Book I: Men & Magic; Book II Monsters & Treasure; Book III: The Underworld & Wilderness Adventures. These are often called “little brown books” (lbb) or “white box edition” because they were three little brown books that were sometimes packed in a white box.

Swords & Wizardry White Box Rules by Matt Finch and Marv Breig streamline the original booklets, introduce a number of “quality of life” improvements, and present it all in one easily accessible book—without removing the DIY spirit of the original. “First print edition” was released at the dawn of OSR in 2008, “third print edition” in 2010, and now, newest “fourth print edition” in 2024. Due to its bare-bones nature, many, many in the OSR space have taken its framework and made their own games built on it. Such is the raw power of original rules!

Two questions I often see are:

  • What's the difference between Swords & Wizardry White Box Rules and White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game?
  • What's the difference between Swords & Wizardry White Box Rules and Swords & Wizardry Complete Rulebook (Revised)?

Differences between Swords & Wizardry White Box and White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game

The biggest differences between the 4th printing of Swords & Wizardry White Box Rules (WB) and 2.1 version of White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game (FMAG) are layout and order of information. FMAG, by Charlie Mason, is in essence reformatted and slightly modified version of 3rd printing of Swords & Wizardry White Box Rules.

Here is a list of differences:

  • FMAG rolls the optional/alternate Universal Attribute Bonus into the core description of attributes. Example: “Clerics can use their Wisdom Bonus to improve “spell effectiveness” (i.e. target suffers a loss on his saving throw).”)
  • WB calls it “Banishing Undead,” FMAG calls it “Turn the Undead.”
  • Turning Table is different (same up to and including Wraith, then new WB table is one HD more difficult and goes up to 18HD).
  • WB Magic-User goes to level 16.
  • FMAG has Thief.
  • WB renames Race to Ancestry (following renaming in SWCR).
  • FMAG has Warship.
  • FMAG has a subsection on “Dungeon Doors.”
  • WB attack matrices go to AC -2, FMAG stops at AC 0.
  • WB Magic-User attack matrix goes to level 16.
  • WB binding wounds heals 1d4; FMAG 1d6.
  • FMAG has jousting rules.
  • FMAG has 2d6 morale check table.
  • WB and FMAG saves in “Alternate Rule: The Saving Throw Matrix” differ. Not sure why...
  • WB has a new section on “Guidelines for Running a Dungeon Adventure” (random monsters and treasure, hidden treasure, where treasure is hidden, traps on hidden treasure).
  • WB has d00 tables for Monsters on Dungeon Level 1 to 8.
  • FMAG has Death Knight.
  • FMAG has Baalor (Baalroch in WB), Imp, and Succubus.
  • FMAG has Elf, Dark.
  • FMAG has Fairie Dragon.
  • FMAG has Giant, Firbolg.
  • FMAG has Golem, Glass; Golem, Wood.
  • FMAG has Kraken.
  • FMAG has Nightsteed.
  • FMAG has Nymph.
  • FMAG has Sidhe.
  • FMAG has Stirge.
  • FMAG “Monster Creation” table goes to 15 HD; WB to 14 HD.
  • FMAG advises 6 mile hexes, WB uses 5 mile hexes.
  • WB has new section on “Castles and Settlements.”
  • WB has new treasure system (no more trade outs; the same system as in Swords & Wizardry Complete Rulebook Revised).
  • WB has new chapter on “Publishing Your Own Materials.”

I did not study monster entries, nor spell descriptions so it is possible there are some minor difference there as well.

Differences between Swords & Wizardry White Box and Swords & Wizardry Complete Rulebook (Revised)

Swords & Wizardry Complete Rulebook (Revised) (SWCR) pulls in many rules from Original Dungeon & Dragons supplements: Supplement I: Greyhawk; Supplement II: Blackmoor; and Supplement III: Eldritch Wizardry. It also includes some clarifications from The Strategic Review and early issues of the Dragon Magazine.

Compared to WB, SWCR has:

  • Nine classes: Assassin, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Magic-User, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, and Thief. WB has the original three: Fighter, Magic-User, Cleric.
  • Attributes that have modifiers. WB has just XP adjustments.
  • Variable damage (from d4 to d10). WB has just d6 with modifiers.
  • Ancestries (races) and multi-classing.
  • Several different ways to run combat.
  • Goes to levels 20+.
  • Extensive magic research rules.
  • Wilderness adventures.
  • Mass combat rules.
  • More spells, more magic items, more monsters.

Like WB, it is all in one packed tome (just 144 pages!), streamlined and more accessible than the original medley. Matt went out of his way to offer many different ways to do things (e.g. different combat procedures, notes on multi-classing, and so on). To me, SWCR is a great toolbox for experienced Judges who have a good grasp of rules, rulings, and kind of game they want to run. It is chock full with options, while still having gaps that need to be filled in by every Judge. Novice Judges would be better served by WB, which has much less options.

Where to get these different editions

Swords & Wizardry White Box Rules (4th print edition)

Swords & Wizardry Complete Rulebook (Revised)

White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game

Swords & Wizardry White Box (previous editions)

Hosted by Smoldering Wizard with permission from Matt Finch.

More questions?

Just leave them in the comment below or email me.



from The happy place

I have started to re read that Joe Abercrombie triology “The First Law”, because it’s a good one and I like to be having something to look forward to at the end of each day so I’m doing that even though my life is rather too short to re read stuff as I am quite a slow reader and there are many books out there.

I also made a scientific discovery the other day about my allergies: I use to get headaches, sneezes and a cough a couple of times each month, and that would last for hours even if I medicate, basically more or less ruining that day, but if I go out for a jog, like a 5km run, like I did the other day, then that somehow triggers a hard reset of the sinuses and I get back to normal.

Some would say normal is an overstatement; I’ve never successfully been quite normal.

That makes me think about that song by “The Last Knife Fighter”,, “Ring Tailed Roarer Blues”:

So, don′t get me sane when I need change

Don't tell the reaper I′m in his range

Don't call me crazy when all I is is strange

Think TLKF has really some of the best lyrics I’ve ever seen about being a beat down cowboy.

Or in general too. It’s just really good. I think so.

Okay let’s now face this Tuesday with bravery !!

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from scraps of poetry and madness

Listening to musicals still makes me sad sometimes. Especially some musicals, and especially some times. It's been nearly twenty years since that part of my life. I never fully closed the door to that part of me, but it's also a room I can't go into completely. It's a room I don't think I'll ever fully inhabit again. And yet.

Shelves of scripts I'll never give away. Soundtracks moved from device to device that I can't listen to anymore. Boxes of programs and cast party souvenirs in the attic.

It's cliche to say this, but it was a lifetime ago. I think back to that period and it's not unfamiliar but it is foreign. Like walking through your childhood home and realizing you aren't in a memory but in a dream that's slowly melting into a nightmare.

But the nightmare isn't now, it was back then, when I violently ripped out that page from my life and tossed it to the wind. Only later realizing there were words on the page I'd never see again, never stumble across and only sometimes be able to remember the vague shapes of. Words that were so important to me not just lost but discarded. A secret formula, a spell, a code, a key. Gone.

At the time, I thought my love of theatre defined me. I couldn't imagine myself or my life without that as the foundation. What does that mean now, for the things I see around me that I cling to? The stuff I surround myself with that I hang my identity on?

Maybe its encouraging, empowering even. That part of my life is gone, and yet I remain. Completely different and exactly the same.

There was so much more violently lost back then than just my connection to the stage. So much more pain caused and endured. And yet most of those scars have healed over and I am stronger for it. Leaner. Smarter.

But there was such potential then. I was just starting something, intoxicated with the potential of it all, and I drunkenly wrapped my life around a lamp post. The wounds healed. Relationships irrevocably lost, but hearts grew back. I am better for that time in my life. Much didn't survive the transition. Much did and is stronger as a result. But in between, or maybe holding it all together is... theatre. That life of mine, just getting started, never to resolve.

Hanging in the air. A ghost light on stage waiting for the next show that will never come. But at least the theater is never truly dark.


This melancholia brought to you by:


from phillip prado

In the world of networking, two fundamental models serve as the backbone for communication protocols and standards: the OSI model and the TCP/IP model. Both models are quite similar, providing frameworks for how data is transmitted across networks at various stages of the process.

Understanding these models is crucial for anyone working in IT, cybersecurity, or any related tech field. But what exactly are they?

The OSI Model

The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a telecommunication or computing system into seven distinct layers. Each layer is responsible for specific tasks, such as data encapsulation, error detection, and routing. The layers of the OSI model are as follows:

  1. Physical Layer: This layer deals with the physical connection between devices, such as cables and network interfaces.

  2. Data Link Layer: Responsible for node-to-node communication, this layer ensures data integrity and manages access to the physical medium.

  3. Network Layer: The network layer handles routing and forwarding of data packets between different networks.

  4. Transport Layer: This layer provides end-to-end communication services for applications, including error detection and flow control.

  5. Session Layer: Manages sessions between applications, establishing, maintaining, and terminating connections.

  6. Presentation Layer: Responsible for data translation, encryption, and compression to ensure compatibility between different systems.

  7. Application Layer: The topmost layer that interacts directly with applications and end-users, providing network services such as email and file transfer.

Now, that's a lot to remember. So, an easy acronym you can use to remember these 7 layers is “Please Do Not Touch Steve's Pet Alligator.” It's helped me quite a bit in trying to pinpoint a specific layer.

Also, keep in mind that the layers are typically inverted from what you see above, with Layer 7 being at the top of the stack and Layer 1 being at the bottom.

The TCP/IP Model

On the other hand, the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) model is a more streamlined approach to networking, consisting of only four layers:

  1. Link Layer: Corresponding to the OSI model's data link and physical layers, the link layer deals with the physical connection and data framing.

  2. Internet Layer: Similar to the OSI model's network layer, the internet layer focuses on routing packets across different networks.

  3. Transport Layer: Combines the functions of the OSI model's transport and session layers, providing reliable data transfer services.

  4. Application Layer: Equivalent to the OSI model's top three layers, the application layer in TCP/IP handles network services for applications.

While the OSI model is more detailed and theoretical, the TCP/IP model is practical and widely used in modern networking. It's also a bit easier to remember than the OSI model.

And, similar to the OSI model, the TCP/IP model is typically visualized with Layer 4 at the top of the stack and Layer 1 at the bottom, unlike what you see above.


Both the TCP/IP and OSI models play essential roles in understanding how data is transmitted across networks. By grasping the functions of each layer and their interactions, network professionals can troubleshoot issues, design efficient networks, and ensure seamless communication between devices.

Whether you're a seasoned systems administrator or you're just getting your start in IT, mastering these models is key to navigating the complex world of networking.

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from ScienceEquip

Are you worried about our water being clean and safe? You're definitely not the only one concerned with environmental testing.

We all share and rely on water. Purifying it isn't just smart. It's something we all need to support to improve our lives.

With all the stress we're putting on our water sources these days, environmental testing has never been more important. This is because our growing population is really pushing our water systems to the limits. Hence, pollution and running out of water are big problems we must tackle head-on.

So, come along as we discuss what it takes to assess water quality, smart ways to clean it up, and how you can contribute to keeping our water top-notch. Let's get stuck into some cool solutions that will keep our water clean and safe for the future.

Understanding Water Quality Through Environmental Testing

Water quality isn't just about clarity and cleanliness—it's about suitability. The quality of our water is fundamental to our health and environment. Whether for swimming, drinking, or nurturing our wildlife.

Here in Australia, the landscapes range from bustling coastal cities to remote inland areas. Thus, the demand for our water resources is as varied as it is significant.

Why Does Quality Water Matter?

  • Health and Safety: Clean water isn't just nice to have; it's essential. We need it for drinking, cooking, and everyday chores. When it's contaminated with nasties like chemicals or bacteria, it will definitely pose serious health risks. Ensuring our water is pure means keeping ourselves and our families safe.
  • Ecosystem Support: Our ecosystems are finely tuned machines. That being said, many plants and animals depend on specific water conditions to thrive. When water quality drops, these systems can become out of balance. As a result, the biodiversity and the overall health of the environment are greatly affected.
  • Agricultural and Industrial Use: Water is a powerhouse in industries and farms. It's crucial for everything from manufacturing to irrigation. But here's the kicker. It needs to be clean to ensure these operations don't just run smoothly but also sustainably. All without damaging the very environment they rely on.

Factors Affecting Water Quality

Natural Events: Think of bushfires. They're not just a danger on land. Ash and debris from bushfires can wash into streams and rivers, drastically altering water chemistry.

Human Activities: Our day-to-day actions have a ripple effect on water quality. Agriculture, urban development, and industrial processes can introduce pollutants like pesticides and heavy metals into our waterways. These contaminants can damage aquatic life and eventually find their way back to us.

Key Parameters for Water Quality Testing

Exploring water quality testing is like setting off on a detective journey. Each parameter tested reveals important clues about the health of our waters, which support a myriad of life forms. By understanding the indicators, we can ensure that our water remains both safe and sustainable.

pH level and Alkalinity

First, the pH level of water is critical. It tells us whether the water is acidic, neutral, or basic. This balance is important because it affects everything from fish survival to the effectiveness of pesticides. Most aquatic life thrives when the pH is maintained between 6.0 and 8.0. This pH level creates a conducive environment for biodiversity and water quality.

Temperature Changes

Water temperature plays a significant role, too. It affects oxygen levels and biological activity. This is specifically crucial for species sensitive to temperature changes. Unknown to many, sudden shifts in temperature can stress aquatic ecosystems. And little did we know these potentially lead to substantial ecological impacts.


Another key test is conductivity. This measures the water's ability to conduct electricity due to dissolved salts and minerals. High conductivity often signals contamination from sources like runoff or industrial discharges, highlighting potential risks to water quality.

Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved oxygen is another essential indicator. This parameter measures the oxygen available in the water. The amount of oxygen is critical for the survival of fish and other aquatic organisms. Generally, higher levels of oxygen suggest a healthier water environment, supporting a vibrant aquatic life.


Lastly, turbidity measures the clarity of the water. High turbidity can block sunlight, which is essential for aquatic plants' photosynthesis. This often indicates erosion, runoff, or the presence of microorganisms. It also serves as a good indicator of overall water quality and ecosystem health.

By regularly monitoring these parameters, we can catch potential problems early. Therefore, managing our water resources more effectively.

Not only does this help protect our natural habitats. It also ensures that the water we rely on remains clean and vibrant, whether for recreation, consumption, or livelihood use.

Moving forward, let's examine the tools that make this possible and learn how to use them in the field.

Tools for Accurate Environmental Testing

When it comes to environmental testing, having the right tools is as crucial as knowing what to look for. Modern technology offers a range of instruments that are not only precise. It has to be rugged enough to handle the diverse Australian landscapes. Here's a look at the essential tools that help ensure our water quality remains top-notch:

1. pH Meters: Precision at Your Fingertips

Key Features: Portable, durable, and designed for field use, pH meters provide instant feedback on water acidity or alkalinity.

Ideal for: Anyone from community volunteers monitoring local streams to professionals assessing industrial effluents.

2. Conductivity Sensors: Tracking Salts and Minerals

Key Features: These devices measure the electrical conductivity in water, indirectly revealing the level of dissolved ions.

Applications: Useful in both natural and urban water assessments to identify pollution sources quickly.

3. Temperature Probes: Essential for Ecosystem Health

Key Features: Accurate and easy-to-use temperature probes such as thermometers measure water temperature. This is vital for studying thermal pollution and its effects on aquatic life.

Best Used: In areas prone to industrial discharge or natural thermal variances like hot springs or shaded water bodies.

4. Dissolved Oxygen Kits: Oxygen, the Lifeline

Key Features: These water sampling kits determine how much oxygen is dissolved in water, a critical factor for all aquatic organisms.

Perfect for: Regular monitoring of rivers, lakes, and marine areas to ensure they support healthy ecosystems.

5. Turbidity Meters: Clarity in Measurement

Key Features: By measuring how light passes through water, these meters assess the turbidity, indicating the presence of particulates.

Necessary for: Checking water health after events like storms or in areas with high erosion risks.

Protecting the Water Resource

To effectively safeguard water resources, it's crucial to utilise precise testing. Along with that, a deep comprehension of the implications of the data is also vital. Application of findings to improve water management includes:

Remediation Projects

Initiate cleanup and habitat restoration in areas with poor water quality. You can collaborate with local communities, government bodies, and environmental groups to implement these projects.

Preventive Measures

Ensure compliance with regulations by local industries and agricultural sectors. Most importantly, educate the community on how to conserve water and prevent pollution.

Sustainable Practices

Implement ecosystem-based management strategies that maintain ecological balance and enhance water quality.

Community Involvement

Promote citizen science programs to boost public participation and awareness. Likewise, workshops and training should be offered to empower individuals to test and understand water quality.

Final Thought: Environmental Testing for Water Quality Analysis

Overall, environmental testing isn't just about checking boxes in the realm of science and labs. It's also about pioneering the future of water quality. Driven by cutting-edge technology and teamwork, this field shines as a hub of innovation. At the same time, environmental testing is the guardian of sustainable water management.

Equally important, the work we do today does more than meet immediate needs. It also forges a lasting legacy of clean water for generations to come. We're not just testing water. We're also setting new benchmarks for purity and sustainability.

So, join us as we push the frontiers of environmental testing. Equip your lab with the latest labware and help ensure our waterways remain vibrant and full of life. Step into the future where clean water is a lasting treasure for all.


from Roscoe's Story

Monday 29/Apr/2024

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 07:00 – Praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by The Memorare • 12:00 – the Angelus • 17:30 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: There is no grace, out of all those which we enjoy here below, from the grace of baptism all the way to the last grace which we will receive before we die, that does not pass through the most Blessed Virgin Mary. So we always have to think of her when we receive those graces. We should always invoke her and especially on the day of confirmation, her who was filled with the Holy Spirit. • 18:00 – the Angelus • 20:00 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Monday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 224.70 lbs. • bp= 125/66 (59)

Diet: • 05:30 – 1 banana, ½ pb&j sandwich • 08:45 – cottage cheese and applesauce • 10:00 – cole slaw • 12:30 – 5 hot dogs, 1 bean & cheese taco

Chores, etc.: • 04:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 06:00 – bank accounts activity monitored • 11:00 – yard work, light trim in back yard • 12:15 – watch old games shows and eat lunch at home with Sylvia • 13:45 – yard work, cut branches off trees in the back alley, etc. • 18:30 – a new episode of Wheel of Fortune

Chess: • 11:15 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Monday 29/Apr/2024 ~20:30 #DLAPR2024


from Paper Waste

The Samurai-Priest story begins oh so many years ago, when peace was still a difficult word to prononce in what today is called The Platea Union. For since the begining of time, the people of the plateu had being at odds with one another.

The land chastised by high winds and sudden storms, with but a few rivers and lakes in its vastness of green shrub, forced those who called it home to fight tooth and nail for every bit of hospitable land.

And when the conflict had been at its feartest in living history, with not a night where blood did not tainted the robes of innocent bystands, a stranger walked into the nobles and city-leaders homes, and one after another, they sheated their swords, and release their tongues.

The land was brutal, and brutal was its people, but if they could not force each other out of the plateu, they could subdue the land by working together.

As Samurai-Priest, he was employed to safeguard the daughter of the noble of one of the least strong, but somewhat welthier holds. A yound woman with whom he developed a brotherly affection.

Some few nights after the first draft of the Union was created, the wanderer visited Tristan’s lords once again, being received no longer as the stranger he was, but as a friend who had long ago left to travel the world and now was returning home.

The man left the next morning, on the hours before the sunrise when the night was darker. And when the sun burned out the morning mist, Tristan learned, alongside with the holsehood, that his lord’s daughter was nowhere to be seeing.

Searching as they might, they did not find trace nor sign of her.

Hours became days, weeks turned into months. And a year after the girl disappearance, the lord of the house, now a member of the rulling council fo the Plateu Union, left the circles of the world.

At the night, the lady came to Tristan and relieve him of his duties as Samurai-Priest, and in the following morning, a morning not unlike that of when the stranger left, Tristan too set out to wander the world.

It was on the lands under a different sky when Tristan, now wanderer and sellsword, that Tristan found traces of the girl he once protected. Years had passed and she would be a grow woman now, and Tristan might not recognise her, but a simple ribbon found on an abandoned house his current employer stopped to spent the night gave him hope that she was still out there.

With the ribbon in hand, he renew his vow to continue the quest the lady gave him when she gave him her life: to find her daughter, and keep her safe.

The caravan was drawing near the end of his journey, and Tristan had enough safe to forego employement for some time.


Character Change: loose Sharpshooter, alongside Warning Shot skill; gain Wayfarer


  • What were you unable to protect? What was lot? The daugther of his liege. Who disappeared under his nose.
  • Are you or have you been in service to Lord/Lady? What is the relationship? A relationship of respect and loyalty.
  • Many regard your power as evil. How do you see them? The price to acquire said power was steep, and it was not paid by him. Whoever calls it evil, soon find themselves meeting the one who granted Tristan his powers.
  • Are there many practicing your art? None that Tristan is aware of.
  • What led you to a life of endless travels? Were you forced? Are you tired? A last order and the first plea of his lady.

Stats & Equipment

Dex: 8 | Ins: 6 | Mig: 10 | Wil: 8 | HP: 73(36) | MP: 45 | IP: 8 | Def: 11 | MDef: 6 HP +18, IP +2, Martial Melee Weapons, Armour and Shield

  • Blind Katana – Dex+Mig+1 – HR +10 Physical
  • Brigandine – Def: 10
  • Buckler – Def: +1


  • Fortress [1/5] {Guardian} Increase Max HP by SL*3 (3).
  • Protect (i.e.: Cover) {Guardian} May take place of another threatened by danger. Once per turn.
  • Heart of Darkness {Darkblade} Once per scene, upon entering Crisis: choose creature you don’t have bound and create a Bound of Hatred.
  • Agony [1/5] {Darkblade} After dealing damage, if you have Bound: recover SL*2 (2) HP and SL*2 (2) MP.
  • Well-Travelled {Wayfarer} Travel Rolls die reduced by one size to a minimum of d6.

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