from Juan Mirieth Auriel



Let us comprehend the biblical verse from 1 Corinthians 13:11:

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things”;

There we see the two common words: child and man; whenever i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, say man, i also include woman as well; both man and woman are adults; what is rare is the word: teenager;

Simply put, a teenager is someone who is aged within teen years; a child who is between 10 and 20 years old is already a teenager, yet the word teenager is rare;

It is clear that one begins life as a child in the morning, the child transitions into an adult before the afternoon, and an adult enters decrepitude in the evening (that is before death); it is the very riddle behind Oedipus Rex;

The only thing i mentioned before the afternoon is the child transitions into a man; a teenager is an invented word, placed between child and adult; it is used to prolong the childhood of a newly initiated adult;

It is sex that governs the transition and growth of a child into an adult; it is this initiation that once puberty of a child begins, the child enters into adulthood, never teenage; puberty is the initial development of the sexual organs and the development of sexual organs lasts for seven years; it is advisable to never partake the Arcanum during the development of the sexual organs; it is only advisable to teach the newly initiates to transmute their sexual energy through chastity; after the seven years of complete sexual development can man and woman do the Arcanum, which both must be at least 21 years old;

The period of the seven-year sexual development is the Venusian period; it begins at age 14, the typical age for puberty; newly initiates of the Venusian period can find their love and develop their proper relationship;

It is also clear that puberty is the initiation of a child into an adult; in the Jewish religion, it is common to see bar mitzvah (from a boy to a man) and bat mitzvah (from a girl into a woman), which are symbolic; bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah are the initiation of children into adulthood;

Therefore, the word teenage is rare; a teenager is an invented word; a teenager is simply someone who is between 10 and 20 years old; that is all.


from thaison

Nothing says “I value you as a human” more than memorizing 3 sheets of empathetic stock phrases so you can apply them on multiple occasions.


from Roscoe's Quick Notes

The good news: my backyard fence “fix” from Monday is still holding.

The “meh” news: the off and on stormy weather continues, and it leaves things constantly wet outside, so that keeps me inside. This Wednesday has found me mostly listening to baseball games and working on my chess games.

posted Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024 at ~4:35 PM #QNJUL2024


from The happy place

Hello friends and enemies!

I’m feeling like good and bad and I’ll go for a jog on a track I ain’t jogged for a long time, cause maybe it’ll do me some good for all the bad it feels while doing it.

It’s like I got this thunderstorm inside, ready to smite. Feeling a bit on edge: Somewhat unsettled about my future. Need to straighten my feelings and thoughts out, cause it’s chaos in there right now.

Need to brush my teeth.

I don’t wanna die.

I love this life, and I cling to it.

I’ve found a new favourite Britney Spears track.

Now I’ve jogged for 10km and it felt horrible just as I knew it would 👍, just like it always does.

Now everything feels good, the problems melted away.

Just like they always do.

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from Mastering the Illusion

Have you ever made one of those?

The truth is that we all make them. Usually we makes these choices from a story of blame, shame, guilt, or victimization, which means there is an abundance of pain in the choice we make.

When we make choices from pain or self-defense, which is also a pain response by the way, we tend to create more pain unknowingly. To make choices that don’t create pain we have to do so from a neutral or healed and compassionate place.

I know, I’m asking a lot here, but bare with me!

People used to take advantage of my powerlessness, consciously or unconsciously, mostly because they could. I was offering pain and they were offering their own pain in kind. That’s actually a balanced relationship if you think about it. When both sides of the relationship are in equal pain and both are offering that pain to each other equally, the relationship is balanced. It might be warped, but it’s still balanced.

The story of self-defense says that I need to protect myself from those people. It offers no self-responsibility or accountability. It just says that those people shouldn’t have done that to me. It’s a story of blame that makes the other person’s behavior a problem but doesn’t recognize that our own behavior is also a problem.

Self-defense is a pain response because the choice it offers me is to end the relationship while blaming the other person for their behavior. What about me and my behavior?

“But I was wounded. They should have recognized that.” That’s a story that’s not true. It makes the other person responsible for how I feel. It makes the other person responsible for my pain. My pain is not theirs. It’s not up to them to take responsibility for it, tip toe around it, or do anything differently because of it. It’s my job to manage my own pain.

What’s a better way to handle this?

When I first started healing my powerlessness, I had to unwind the story of blame that I was telling. I thought that it was everybody else’s fault because I bought into that story of blame. I didn’t see my own behavior.

Slowly over time, I unwound that story. I started to realize that I was the common denominator in every relationship I had. Not only was I the common denominator, but I was offering the same pain to every person I knew. They were all responding equally to that pain in their own way, from their own likely equally wounded, place.

The more I unwound the story the more I realized that my behavior was more of a problem than anything anybody was doing “to me”. I was offering pain through my behavior. It is reasonable to expect that I will get pain back if I do that. Because that is a reasonable expectation, I can’t blame other people for offering pain in response to my wounded behavior.

The story that says they should know better or do better is a pain response. It is a self-defense mechanism that avoids personal responsibility for self. It defends the pain and perpetuates the problem. This is a choice based on self-defense and avoidance. Until we’re willing to deal with it within ourselves, the painful cycle will continue to occur.

It can take years to get to a place where we’re willing to see this. It can take even longer to get to a place where we actually have the ability to change it. I did a mountain of work to get to a place where I could not only change it, but see it clearly without the pain of my own wounded ego.

There was one big thing I had to be able to do in all of that, otherwise I would get stuck. I had to let myself and the people around me off the proverbial hook.

I don’t talk about forgiveness. It’s become a bit of a weapon in spiritual circles and triggers the crap out of a lot of people. What I do talk about is giving ourselves and others some grace by not holding people responsible for things they don’t see, understand, or have control over. That is how I was able to let go of the pain of powerlessness. I don’t hold people responsible for what they haven’t healed yet, likely because they don’t see it or understand it. That is how I let go of the story of blame.

When pain is projected out, it is reasonable to expect that pain will come back. When we stop projecting pain out, it is still not reasonable to expect that we won’t get pain back. The only thing it changes is that we can make a better choice. Once we have fully managed ourselves in that experience and dropped the need to defend ourselves, now we can decide whether the relationship is wanted or not wanted.

If the relationship is wanted then we can reasonably stay in the relationship and simply make better choices about how to respond when the other person inevitably offers their pain.

If the relationship is no longer wanted, then making the choice to walk away is easier. It’s not based on pain. We no longer feel trapped in the choice. We’re not defending ourselves. We’ve created a sense of peace within ourselves and we’re walking away with no guilt, anger, or resentment. The experience is neutral and does not need to be carried as a painful souvenir or a reminder of why we don’t like other people.

By the way, you don’t need to be powerless to create this in your life. You can do this from all kinds of different angles, the result is the same. The scenario sets up the same way every single time.

Defensive choices are made with a lack of self-responsibility and self-awareness. Defensive choices happen because we either don’t see or don’t want to see our own behavior and the pain we’re offering through that behavior.

The only thing we ever have control over is ourselves. We have to learn to manage our behavior. We have to learn to understand ourselves within the experience. This is what it means. This is what we have to do. It takes a long time. It’s a lot of work. It’s not easy.

But, if you can hold your own feet to the fire, do the work, and stay in the game when it gets hard, this perspective will change your life. It will change how you show up in the world. It will change how you perceive everything that happens around you. You will see every circumstance and scenario differently because almost 100% of them start from the exact same place – somebody offered pain and pain was returned in kind. That is a painful balance, but it is balance. When we see the world like that, we see clearly the need for self-mastery and self-responsibility as a means of no longer offering pain out into the world.

Love to all.


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from Phil Rowlands

Hello, my friends!

Today, I'd like to share some thoughts on a powerful passage from the book of Ephesians. As we delve into chapter 4, we'll explore God's incredible plan for His church and how He equips us to fulfill our purpose in Christ. This passage is truly a cornerstone for understanding God's vision for His people and how we can grow together in faith and love.

Friends, have you ever wondered about the gifts God has given to His church? In Ephesians 4:11-12, we read, “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” These gifts, often referred to as the five-fold ministry, serve a vital purpose in God's grand design for His people.

The word “equipping” here comes from the Greek word “katartismos,” which paints a vivid picture of something being prepared for use. It's like mending a broken bone or repairing a torn fishing net – not just for the sake of fixing, but to restore functionality and purpose. In the same way, these ministry gifts are meant to repair and prepare us for our God-given roles in the body of Christ.

Think about it this way: when we come to faith in Christ, we're born again and made new creations. But let's be honest, we often bring baggage from our past into our new life. Our hearts have been shaped by past experiences, and we interpret life through these filters. That's where the ministry gifts come in. Through their work, our minds are renewed, and our hearts are transformed. It's a beautiful process of becoming whole, of shedding the baggage of our past and being equipped to face the challenges of a world that's often hostile to our faith.

But there's more to this equipping than just personal growth. Paul goes on to share God's ultimate purpose for His church in verse 13: “till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” This verse reveals three key aspects of God's vision for us: unity, maturity, and conformity to Christ.

Friends, let's ponder for a moment the significance of unity in the body of Christ. It's not something we create or force – it's a reality we're called to express. We are one body, with one head, sharing one life in Christ. How often do we forget this truth and act as isolated individuals or, worse yet, attack other members of Christ's body? Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12:12, “For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.”

The key to experiencing and expressing this unity is found in our focus on Jesus. As we gather around Him, learn of Him, and share our experiences of His grace, we naturally grow closer to one another. It's not about enforcing uniformity or suppressing our unique gifts. Rather, it's about allowing the life of Christ to flow through us, connecting us in love and purpose.

Consider what Paul says in Colossians 3:16: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” As we focus on Christ and His word, we naturally share our experiences and insights with one another. Our conversations and even our songs become centred on Jesus, building up the body in love.

This brings us to the second aspect – maturity. Paul uses the analogy of growing from childhood to adulthood. He warns against remaining spiritual infants, “tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting” (Ephesians 4:14). Maturity involves growing in our understanding of God's word, basing our lives on truth rather than fleeting emotions, and developing discernment to recognise false teachings.

How do we grow in maturity? By speaking the truth in love to one another. As we share the word of Christ that dwells richly in us, we build each other up and encourage one another in the faith. It's a beautiful picture of the body edifying itself in love, as described in Ephesians 4:16: “from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.”

Friends, this process of growing in maturity is crucial in our walk with Christ. It's not just about accumulating knowledge, but about allowing that knowledge to transform us from the inside out. As we grow, we become less susceptible to the whims of our emotions and the deceptions of false teachers. We develop a solid foundation in Christ that enables us to stand firm in the face of life's challenges.

Consider the words of Hebrews 5:14: “But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” As we mature in Christ, we develop spiritual discernment, able to distinguish truth from error and make wise choices in our daily lives.

Now, let's talk about the third aspect – conformity to Christ. This isn't about losing our individuality, but rather about being “filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19). Just as Jesus lived in dependence on the Father, we're called to abide in Christ. As we do, His life flows through us, producing the fruit of the Spirit and transforming us into His image.

Jesus Himself taught us this principle in John 15:4-5: “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” This is the secret to true Christian growth – not striving in our own strength but abiding in Christ and allowing His life to flow through us.

As we abide in Christ, we begin to reflect His character more and more. Paul describes this process in 2 Corinthians 3:18: “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” It's a gradual process, but a sure one, as we fix our eyes on Jesus and allow His Spirit to work in us.

Now, let's consider how these three aspects – unity, maturity, and conformity to Christ – work together in the life of the church. When we're united in Christ, focused on Him rather than our differences, we create an environment where spiritual growth can flourish. As we mature together, speaking the truth in love to one another, we become more stable and discerning, less prone to division and deception. And as we individually and collectively reflect more of Christ's character, we become a powerful witness to the world of God's transforming love.

But here's a sobering thought: when we don't experience this life in Christ, we often substitute it with mere activity. We can become so focused on programs, events, and outward appearances of spirituality that we miss the true life Christ offers. Paul warns against this in Colossians 2:23: “These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.”

Friends, let's not settle for the counterfeit when God offers us the real thing. The life of Christ flowing through His body, the church, is far more powerful and satisfying than any program or activity we could devise on our own. As we gather around Jesus, grow in maturity, and allow His life to shape us, we'll truly become the church He intends us to be – united, mature, and conformed to His image.

Now, you might be wondering, “How can I practically apply these truths in my life?” Let's explore some ways to do this. First and foremost, focus on Jesus. Make it a priority to spend time in God's Word, particularly studying the life and teachings of Christ. As you do, you'll find yourself naturally growing in unity with other believers. This focus on Christ is the foundation for all spiritual growth and unity in the body.

Next, engage in community. Don't try to live the Christian life in isolation. Find a local church where you can connect with other believers, receive teaching, and use your gifts to serve others. Remember, we are part of a body, and each part needs the others to function properly. As you engage with other believers, you'll find opportunities for growth, encouragement, and service.

Another crucial aspect is speaking the truth in love. When you learn something from God's Word, don't keep it to yourself. Share it with others in a loving way, and be open to receiving truth from them as well. This mutual sharing and encouragement is how the body builds itself up in love, as Paul describes in Ephesians 4:16.

Pursue maturity actively. Make a conscious effort to grow in your understanding of God's Word and in your ability to apply it to your life. Don't be content with spiritual infancy. Seek out solid teaching, study the Scriptures diligently, and practice applying God's truth to your daily life. As you do, you'll find yourself becoming more stable and discerning in your faith.

Cultivate a habit of abiding in Christ. Recognise that apart from Him, you can do nothing of eternal value. Make it your daily practice to depend on Christ, to draw your strength and guidance from Him. This isn't about religious rituals, but about maintaining a constant awareness of your connection to Christ and your need for His life flowing through you.

Finally, allow Christ's character to be reflected in your life. As you abide in Christ, His Spirit will produce His fruit in your life – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). This isn't about trying harder to be good, but about yielding to the work of the Spirit in your life, allowing Him to transform you from the inside out.

Be blessed today, my brothers and sisters. Let's embrace the life of Jesus Christ in all its fullness. May we not settle for religious activities or programs that merely give the appearance of progress. Instead, let's experience the reality of Christ's life flowing through His body, the church. As we gather around Jesus, grow in maturity, and allow His life to shape us, we'll truly become the church He intends us to be – united, mature, and conformed to His image.

Remember the words of Paul in Philippians 1:6: “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” God is faithful, and He will continue to work in us and through us as we yield ourselves to Him. Let's press on together, growing in unity, maturity, and Christlikeness, until that day when we see Him face to face.


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from paquete

La naturaleza no nos necesita para regenerarse, su capacidad de autocuración es muy poderosa. The world without us, escrito por el periodista Alan Weisman, expone de manera contundente qué le pasaría al mundo si ya no hubiera humanos. Bueno, a lo que pensamos que es el mundo, la naturaleza tiene otra manera de pensar.

¿Cuáles serían los últimos edificios y las últimas construcciones en caer? ¿Cuáles serían nuestros regalos, en forma de estatua, más duraderos al Universo, si desapareciéramos como especie? ¿Qué pasaría con las ratas y las cucarachas si dejáramos de habitar la Tierra? ¿Cuánto tardarían las junglas de asfalto en convertirse en junglas sin más? Hay respuestas para todas y para más.

Este libro me lo prestó Igor, otro de esos ángeles de nuestra vida, y ha viajado desde una austera balda de su despacho en el Max Planck muniqués a la estantería de nuestro salón.

Por cierto, aprovechando que el Colorado pasa por la Patagonia. Si una de tus preocupaciones es la regeneración de nuestro planeta, te animo a que tengas a Munkun en el radar. Estoy seguro de que una conversación con Guille Orduña te llevará a espacios insospechados de pensamiento y acción.

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from Telmina's notes













#2024年 #2024年7月 #2024年7月25日 #立憲民主党 #政治 #選挙 #代表選挙 #枝野もう一度立て #枝野戻ってこい


from Sagi Lahmi

Sagi Lahmi sat at his desk, high above the vibrant streets of Tel Aviv, looking out through the expansive windows of his corner office. The city pulsed with energy, but Sagi's thoughts were focused on the digital realms he had helped shape. As the CEO and founder of two groundbreaking companies—"Crypto Guardians" and "The Money Trail"—he was a trailblazer at the crossroads of finance and technology.

 Sagi Lahmi

Chapter 1: The Birth of Crypto Guardians

Sagi's journey began a decade ago when he first explored the emerging field of cryptocurrencies. Captivated by blockchain technology's potential to revolutionize financial systems, he envisioned a platform that would provide security and transparency for crypto investors. This vision led to the creation of "Crypto Guardians."

Crypto Guardians started as a small startup dedicated to offering top-tier security solutions for cryptocurrency transactions. Sagi’s innovative approach utilized advanced cryptographic techniques and artificial intelligence to build a robust security infrastructure. The platform quickly gained traction, attracting investors seeking a safe haven in the unpredictable world of digital currencies.

Under Sagi’s leadership, Crypto Guardians experienced rapid growth. The company’s success stemmed from its dedication to protecting users' assets and educating them about the complexities of the crypto market. Sagi’s deep knowledge and passion for technology inspired a dedicated team that shared his vision.


Chapter 2: The Inception of The Money Trail

With Crypto Guardians thriving,Sagiturned his focus to another ambitious project. He saw an opportunity to address the lack of transparency and traceability in financial transactions. Thus, "The Money Trail" was born, a platform designed to monitor and verify the movement of funds in real-time.

The Money Trail merged blockchain technology with advanced data analytics to provide a comprehensive view of financial flows. It aimed to fight fraud, money laundering, and financial crime by offering unmatched transparency. Businesses, governments, and individuals could use the platform to ensure their financial activities were legitimate and traceable.

Sagi’s dual focus on security and transparency established him as a thought leader in the fintech industry. His ability to anticipate market needs and create innovative solutions earned him recognition and respect from peers and competitors alike.


Chapter 3: Overcoming Challenges

Building two pioneering companies was not without its challenges. Sagi faced numerous obstacles, from regulatory issues to technological limitations. However, his resilience and unwavering belief in his vision pushed him forward. He tackled these challenges with a mix of strategic thinking and hands-on leadership, often working late into the night to solve complex problems.

One of the most significant challenges came when a major cyberattack targeted Crypto Guardians. The breach threatened to undermine the trust Sagi had worked so hard to build. Instead of retreating, he intensified his efforts to enhance security. He personally oversaw the development of new protocols and rallied his team to strengthen their defenses. The incident, rather than crippling the company, ultimately fortified it, highlighting Sagi's commitment to protecting his users' assets.


Chapter 4: The Inspirational Leader

Sagi’s leadership style was marked by his hands-on approach and his ability to inspire those around him. He cultivated a culture of innovation and continuous learning within his companies, encouraging his team to push boundaries and think creatively. His open-door policy and approachable demeanor made him a beloved figure among his employees.

Beyond his professional achievements, Sagi was also a mentor and advocate for aspiring entrepreneurs. He frequently spoke at industry conferences, sharing his insights and experiences. He believed in the power of collaboration and often partnered with other tech leaders to advance the industry.


Chapter 5: A Legacy of Innovation

Today, Sagi Lahmi stands as a titan in the fintech world. Crypto Guardians and The Money Trail continue to thrive, setting new standards for security and transparency in the financial sector. Sagi’s legacy is one of innovation, resilience, and unwavering commitment to his vision.

As he looked out over Tel Aviv, Sagi reflected on his journey. He knew more challenges lay ahead, but he welcomed them with open arms. For Sagi Lahmi, the pursuit of progress was never-ending, and the future was filled with limitless possibilities.


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from Antyczne Podlasie

Mój pradziadek służył w Podniebnej Husarii II RP, i jako strzelec pokładowy sterowca Jan Klemens Branicki walnie przyczynił się do zwycięstwa z bolszewikami w bitwie białostockiej 22 sierpnia 1920 roku. Legenda rodzinna głosi, że z takim zaangażowaniem strzelał ze swojego Maxima, że karabin rozgrzał się do czerwoności, a on, w patriotycznym uniesieniu, śpiewając w głos Bogurodzicę, nie zauważył tego, dopóki skóra dłoni nie zaczęła się topić. Po zwycięskiej walce wylądowali na lądowisku sterowców w Lesie Pietrasze, zbudowanym podczas I Wojny Światowej, jeszcze przez rosyjskich zaborców, gdzie felczer musiał mu bagnetem oddzielać dłonie od uchwytów karabinu. Dziadek stracił przytomność, a kiedy ją odzyskał, pierwszym pytaniem było: “Ilu ubiłem?”. Jego dowódca – kapitan sterowca, odpowiedział ze łzami w oczach: “Dużo Józiu, dużo... Wygraliśmy.”

Po zakończeniu wojny pradziadek został odznaczony Orderem Myszołowa Szarawego, a jego pozbawione czucia dłonie były największą chlubą naszej rodziny. I tylko prababcia ze smutkiem opowiadała czasem przy wigilijnym stole, że kiedy po tych wydarzeniach pieścił jej piersi, wzrok miał pusty i nieobecny, a jego gorący temperament stygł nagle na całe tygodnie.

HB 07.01.2024

Czytaj dalej...

from paquete

Algunas personas no leerán al psicólogo humanista Anthony De Mello por ser jesuita. Otras lo leerán por ser un jesuita que cabreó al entonces Cardenal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefecto de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe (institución sucesora de la Inquisición). Ratzinger declaró las tesis de De Mello “incompatibles” con la doctrina católica. Y otras lo leerán por tender puentes humanistas entre personas. Tanto da la motivación, es un psicólogo único al que recomiendo leer.

Aunque el título elegido por la editorial Gaia, Despierta. Los peligros y posibilidades de la realidad, me parece desafortunado porque podría asemejarse a alguno sacado del folleto de cualquier secta, la contraportada lo arregla y te introduce en un libro de una profundidad y apertura deslumbrantes. En el prólogo, su cercano colaborador y también jesuita, J.Francis Stroud, resume el trabajo vital de De Mello como “despertar a la gente a la realidad de su grandeza”.

Espiritualidad significa despertar”, dice De Mello. Esta frase supone una apertura mental. Parece que la espiritualidad tuviera que ser un feudo de religiones o creencias. El autor abre un diálogo con cualquier persona, tenga las creencias que tenga. El estilo del psicólogo es directo y sin ambigüedades. Más de uno se echó a llorar en sus conversaciones y talleres. Pero sobrepasada la superficie de la crudeza en la forma está el amor en el fondo.

Este me lo regaló Marisa, íntima de la familia y ángel en tierra.

De Mello me vino bien en el hospital. Tal día como hoy, un señor que llevaba cinco vinos en el cuerpo, nos embistió frontalmente en una carretera secundaria y casi nos mata. Las semanas que estuve allí este libro fue clave en (parte) de mi despertar. Cada página, cada anécdota, cada historia, eran un bofetón de realidad para mí. En ese momento, mi mente sólo buscaba alivio. Pero De Mello distingue entre el alivio y la cura. Todos queremos aliviarnos y buscamos psicólogas y psicólogos que nos ayuden. Pero la cura es dolorosa y no siempre estamos dispuestos al sacrificio. Este libro contribuyó, a que me bajara de la rueda de hámster en la que vivía hacía ya demasiado tiempo. Y vuelve con fuerza justo hoy, mira tú.

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from Steve's Real Blog

MDN is great for a reference, but I haven't found a source of truth for modern CSS best practices. Once in a while I run across an article that captures a small piece of it. Here's a list of those articles.

Hit me up on Mastodon if I should add anything to the list.


from Open Indie

Mark Zuckerberg has proclaimed that Open Source AI Is the Path Forward. He's not wrong.

At the same time, he's absolutely not in it for primarily selfless reasons. When you're late to the tech trend, the best way to catch up in both R&D and mindshare is open source your stuff, so that's what Meta is doing.

Even though Mark doesn't yet have an innate understanding and appreciation for The Commons, I'm cheering for Meta's big bet on open AI.

Since what 'open source AI' actually entails is woefully undefined [1], I'll offer a simple illustration of what trustworthy AI necessarily looks like.

Mutual trust

Flawed as they may be, our new AI citizens are here to stay. The key to a happy coexistence is trust. Thankfully, knowing which AI-agents you can trust is actually very easy!

This is how you test your AI agent's trustworthiness: Ask it to explain exactly how it was built. A trustworthy AI agent will be able to walk you through its inner workings in great detail and at whichever level of complexity you prefer.

Crucially, the “self-insight” of your supposed AI-friend must extend to its original training data. It's nearly impossible to build trust and make friends with some one who doesn't have any memories and therefore cannot tell you anything about why it thinks the way it thinks.

If I ask my AI-friend to draw me a picture of a swan, we should be able to have a conversation like this:

Erlend: That's a beautiful swan drawing! Which drawings did you learn from to draw this one?

AI-friend: Doing an image-similarity search against my training library, I found these 20 (author-credited) images of swans (out of 20,000) that closely match the picture we [The System] rendered for you.

Erlend: Fascinating. And why did you display a photorealistic swan instead of, say, a cartoony one?

AI-friend: That would be because of parameters XYZ...

..and so on. Nothing should be off limits. Easily digestible snippets of data should be just as readily available as links to the full-size repositories.

True AI friendship demands sincerity

The most meaningful version of 'open source AI', to me, is a provably earnest AI. I can only trust an AI agent that readily bares its software soul to me at a moment's notice.

Maybe that seems like asking a lot. In my human-to-human relationships I also expect honesty, but not in the absolute way that I do in a human-to-AI relationship. That's because I know there will always be things my human friends simply can't tell me yet, or ever.

An AI agent on the other hand has no such reservations about what information to divulge, as it is not a conscious, thinking entity with wants and fears. Outside the context of its commercial purpose, the AI has no reason to obfuscate its self-knowledge from me.

As such, I will only ever pay money for earnest AI. Anything else is designed for deception. I will pay good money for honesty.

We must keep in mind that these models are trained by information that’s already on the internet, so the starting point when considering harm should be whether a model can facilitate more harm than information that can quickly be retrieved from Google or other search results.

If Mark wants to rebrand as the organic cloud farmer, the only way for him to prove his commitment to a truly regenerative practice is to fully open up the training data for Llama. You just grabbed it all from the open internet anyhow, right?

So show us exactly what goes into your AI produce. We, cultivators of The Commons and the corporations that want to monetize it, can't possibly build a 'broader ecosystem' together unless Meta and its ilk can be transparent about where it is getting its water, nutrients and seeds (inputs) from, and what byproducts (outputs) they're releasing into the ecological cycle.

[1] – The OSI is engaged in a deepdive to solve for 'what is open source AI?' and I applaud the effort, but to be frank I think their latest draft shows they are still stuck in an antiquated, software-centric (as opposed to people-centric) world view.


from Kroeber

#001784 – 24 de Julho de 2024

Sexto dia. A minha maior subida a pedalar desde que aprendi a andar de bicicleta. Um calor tórrido de que fugi acordando às quatro da manhã. Descubro um local perfeito para o campismo selvagem, com uma ribeira, muita sombra e verde. Mas é de acesso muito difícil com bicicleta. Acabo por reservar uma noite num alojamento em Pitões das Júnias. Continuo a escutar galego, o restaurante Dom Pedro é popular junto dos galegos. Tenho medo de vacas, fragilidade que me ficou impressa em criança e que afinal não superei como pensava. As cachenas são pequenas mas têm cornos gigantescos e afiados e um olhar de desafio, quando escutam o som da bicicleta. Algumas dão mesmo uns passos atrás, para me encarar, bloqueiam o caminho, enfrentam-me. Tudo isto o vejo de longe, não arrisco. Vou dormir uma soneca numa cama. Amanhã sigo para Arco de Baúlhe.

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from Lastige Gevallen in de Rede

De Kost ; Het met Gouden Klinkers gelegde Padje Van Voorbijgaande Aard

Wees de kost en de kost zal u genadig zijn, u dient het en het loon zal u vergezellen naar oorden waar de kost ook is zoals het hier is, almachtig, vrees de kost, de vele partituren van de kost symfonie, de dreiging die ervan uitgaat, de ellende die het niet eren der kost met zich meebrengt, de valse noten van een armetierig bestaan, ervaar de lasten van de kost niet als noodzakelijk kwaad maar als verhulde lust, hoe heerlijk om te mogen lijden voor u eigen bestaansrecht, omdat u er bent, dat alleen al is reden om te moeten werken, dienen, zitten bij gereedschap voor gereedschap om de gemeenschap te voorzien van gereedschap zodat we altijd paraat staan om gereed te zijn en eeuwig te blijven, de kost is de ware, het werkelijk bewerkte van u werk, het zijn uwer uren in de klok dankzij kosters voortdurend vasthoudend van wisselstroom voorzien, kost is u heiligdom, u zitzak, u kasten groot genoeg voor een ferme wandeling, kost zijt gij en als kost zult u de kont keren, vegen en onderhouden via diverse martelingen, ook al kost, koste wat kost moet u sturen, bijsturen, richting aangeven, herstellen en synchroniseren met voor aan en door andermans kost, kost is u heerser, u voorziener, het voorspel, de nieuwswaarde en de slotact, u kost zijde geheiligd, zoals u kost is kost het nergens, kost west kost best, wee u als u de kost niet dient zoals de kost wil worden gediend, op vaste tijden, afgedragen en onverzettelijk, dapper, onverveerd, en indien nodig met de kantjes eraf, o kost, waarde kost, krijger, hebberd, vrek, ik vrees u almacht, u rechtlijnigheid, het gezever, u persmachine en alle drukte daarbij komen glurend, snuffelend, de ongure buurten waarin u zit gehuisvest, in van die allemachtig grote huizen met rondom camera ogen of in die immens hoge torens die niks anders doen dan schaduwen alle kanten op werpen, kost bent u, wijst u, gaat u om in cirkels, draait uur na uur, wijst ons de weg, langs borden en lichten, rondom ornamenten en kolderieke mini plantsoenen, kost ook, o waarheen rijdt de weg die zij afslaan, hoe groot is u parkeergarage, van hoe hoog vallen de clusterbommen in u nimmer ijdel gebruikte naam, edele kost, vriend van de vijand, vijand van de concurrent, wezenloze tijden breng ik met u door, waar u ons al niet toe zet, waarde kost heer, maker des brood, scheepsbeschuit en onbreekbare geodriehoekjes, u lopende band heerser van menig vlucht schema, nimmer uitstel duldend, bron der berichten, meester der plichten, mijn kost, edele kruisridder, uitvaarder, opdringerig mirakel en kakelend orakel, minachtend ons, wij in u kunstlicht, oplopend naar het stadion alwaar we u voortdurend dienen, blakend van gefrituurde gezondheid, gemarineerd in u alcohol gebrouwen in uwe naam, geheiligd u bent de held, heldhaftig schoppend tegen met lucht gevulde bollen, allemaal voor u, heilig doel, van start tot finish, in de prak op asfalt liggend, op de kop geparkeerd in de vangrail, geplet onder een zak stront, smorend in u schijt lucht, kost, o goed heilig subject en object in een, steeds veranderend van vorm en naam, gisteren was u naam florijn morgen botcoin, kost, geweldig amusant heerschap, leider der klapstoelen, maker van jolijt op feesten en partij bijeenkomsten, bron der vergaringen, en oorzaak van gevolg als ook effect van de symptomen van u zelve, groot meester der tijd bedrijven, krieken van de dag, bikkel aan het front, ijzervreter, vuurduwer, mandjes vlechter en wat al niet meer, o kost, wat zou het kosten om van u te worden verlost

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